6 “Don’ts” and 1 “Do” of Social Media Promotion

Social Media Promotion


Social media marketing has become one of the most effective tactics for businesses to reach, educate, and engage with their target market. The strategy behind social media efforts for businesses is extremely important in getting the ROI and bottom line results you are looking for from this marketing method. The following list indicates some “dos” and “don’ts” of social media promotion in order to increase your success rate.

Don’t Link Bait.

What is link baiting? It’s using a misleading title or information to get someone to click on a link. An example of this might be someone saying “Become a millionaire” and linking to their GDI site. This information is false and used to get someone to click. Be truthful in all the links you share and try to be descriptive and concise with the text you use surrounding a link.

Don’t Promote at the Wrong Time.

Where in the country are your customers, downline, team members? Try to time posts to when they might be awake, online ready to click. You can also use trial and error to identify the best time to post your content. If your post isn’t getting any traction, keep trying new time slots until you find you get the most clicks. Try to keep your posts to that time of day to ensure the most people see your content. If you manage your Facebook presence using a page, you can look in your Insights to see when your fans are online. You can also use Twitter Analytics, which is available to all users, to see what time your tweets get the most interaction.

Don’t Post Too Often.

You’ve seen this before: one user who fills up your Twitter or Facebook feed with a series of posts. Often times, this is a sure way for that person to get you to unfollow or unlike their page. Don’t do this. While posting multiple times in a day is OK for most networks, try not to post back to back. People may unfollow you if you clog up their feed or just assume you’re a bot.

Don’t Post Too Infrequently.

While you shouldn’t post too often, not posting enough is also an issue. People may find your Facebook or Twitter profile while searching for information on you or your business, if they click on your profile and see that you’ve haven’t posted in a few weeks, they may think you are no longer active. Try to post at least once a week so it’s obvious to those who find your page that your are active and responsive.

Don’t Spread Yourself Too Thin.

There are many social networks out there. In fact, it seems like there is a new network debuting each day. You don’t have to be on all of these networks. Find which networks you like the best and where your customers spend their time. These are the networks that will give you the best return on your time.

Do Be Yourself.  

While you want to put your best self forward while promoting on social media, you do not need to create a whole new persona. People can hide behind fake profile photos and names, don’t do this if you want to build your team and you want customers to trust you. Be genuine online and present your real self when possible. Social media is about relationships and it’s hard to build strong ones when you are pretending to be someone else.

There is seemingly endless opportunity to generate new business via social media promotion efforts for B2B businesses, B2C businesses, and entrepreneurs alike. Make sure you don’t miss out on success by following the social media promotion tips listed above.


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3 Traditional Marketing Techniques That Still Make Sense Today

Traditional Marketing techniques

The best tactics for marketing a product or business seem to change everyday thanks to the internet and our constantly connected world. It can be overwhelming trying to keep up to date on all the new marketing trends and platforms you should be using. Though daunting, it is wise to stay up to date on marketing trends, but you can relax knowing that some long-used marketing tactics are still powerful and necessary today as ever. Read on for a few traditional marketing techniques that are still effective in our increasingly digital world.

Networking Events

Believe it or not, there are still some people who are successful in their business but aren’t on Facebook. Maybe they have a social media presence, but it’s run by someone else. The point is, some successful business people aren’t online as often as you, and that means if you do all of your marketing and network building online you’re missing them. Even if you connect with some people online, nothing can replace the power of building a relationship face to face.

Networking events are great for two reasons: you can build strong relationships in person and you can connect with people you may have never found online. Where can you find networking events? Check with your Chamber of Commerce to find out about networking events in your hometown, or search sites like Meetup.com or Eventbrite.com to find these kind of events near you. Conferences are also a great way to network. Conferences often feature talks during the day and networking opportunities during lunch or cocktail hour. Search for a conference related to your industry to learn new things and connect with new people. After you’ve done all this, how do you ensure you’ve built a solid connection with someone and they can reach out again? Business cards.

Business Cards

Business cards are not outdated, despite the best efforts on online resume and networking sites like LinkedIn. Though you can connect online easily with your smartphone, it’s still easier and more tangible to have and handout business cards. Have cards on you at all times, networking events are important, but you never know when you might strike up a conversation with a potential customer and team member at the mechanic or salon. Share your business cards to keep these connections.

Going for Coffee

Don’t worry if you don’t drink coffee. Going for coffee with a potential customer is just a great chance to connect and share ideas and see how you can help them. If you’re trying to seal the deal with someone in your area, consider taking them out for coffee instead of following up on the phone. Conversely, this is a great first step in marketing and networking. Reach out to someone you’d like to learn more from or have join your team and ask if you can take them out for coffee. Few people will turn down a free cappuccino and now you have a great chance to build a new business relationship.

Word of Mouth

Sites like Yelp, Google+ and Foursquare offer the digital equivalent of the most powerful form of marketing there is: Word of mouth marketing. Word of mouth marketing is when someone recommends their favorite business with nothing to gain from it. You then consider this business because you trust that friend. That’s why it’s so powerful; you already have a relationship with the friend who frequents a business so now you’re one step closer to choosing that business. But how do you build word of mouth marketing? Providing excellent service is one way. Many customers will share your business if they’re happy. Offering incentives like referral discounts for new customers can also help. Lastly, if you’re customers express to you that they’re happy, ask them to share the positive sentiment with their friends. You never know what you can get just by asking.

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How To Make the Best Use of Video for Marketing

How to make the best use of video for marketing

Videos can help support your website in a way that text and photos cannot. Videos can share your story in easy to understand words and build the conversation with potential customers. These videos do not require a whole production team, they can be easily created with a screen-recording program or your own webcam.

What kind of video should you include on your website and what benefits do they offer? Read on for a few different ways to make the best use of video for marketing purposes.


  1. What: Tutorials are how-to videos on a variety of subjects.  GDI offers a whole channel full of tutorials that helps members  build their website, understand how GDI works, and more.
  2. How Tutorials Are Used: Videos you offer may cover some of these same subjects that GDI tutorials do, but try to offer your own expertise. Maybe you figured out a quick trick to use SiteBuilder faster–create a video about this and share it with others. Consider creating videos that explain GDI from your point of view or discuss specific steps you have taken to be a successful GDI affiliate.
  3. Benefits: Tutorials help to create a more educated downline and more successful team. It directly benefits you to have a downline that is educated and successful. Creating videos that share your expertise will also encourage people to join your downline. Potential downline members will see  you as supportive and educated, just what many people are looking for in a sponsor. Tutorial-style videos will help you to acquire and retain downline members.


  1. What: Testimonials are short videos that share success stories and support the vision of GDI. GDI offers a series of testimonials on their website you can see HERE.
  2. How Testimonials Are Used: Testimonials share first-hand stories of success with GDI or your business. This tells potential customers that GDI or your business is legitimate and others have had success with it. Reach out to your downline members to help you create these videos. Include these videos on a special section of your website or add them in promotional materials.
  3. Benefits: Confidence in your company. These videos give potential customers the chance to learn about your business from others who have succeeded.

Linked Videos

  1. What: Linked videos created by others that benefit your website but you don’t have to create yourself. This could be you linking to a GDI video or a WordPress tutorial created by someone else.
  2. How Linked Videos Are Used: These are a great way to break up text on your website or in blog posts without taking them time to create your own. Include these videos where they will support your text, but do not pass them off as your own.
  3. Benefits: These videos keep visitors interested in your website and help to explain a concept. You are free to embed videos from sites like YouTube, but do not pass them as your own content or use them too often.


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