Category Archives: Opportunity

Changing Your Username? We’ve Got Suggestions

Sometimes you need a change and GDI understands that. That’s why we offer you the ability to change your username as needed for just $10. But if you want a new username, but can’t think of one, we now offer you suggestions. Just log in to your Members Area and head to “Change Username” and you will see the form to change your name as well as several suggestions.

If you’re considering changing your username for any reason, read our facts below or in the Members Area first.

Is the change username fee refundable?

Username changes will not be refunded once payment is complete for any reason including, but not limited to, misspellings.

 Why should I change my username instead of just signing up a new account?

Opening multiple active accounts is a direct violation of our policies. You may deactivate your current account if you wish, then signup a new account after waiting 14 full days. In doing so however, nothing from your existing account will be transferred to your new account. This change username function allows you to pick a new username without losing anything from this account including domains, email addresses, WebSites, downlines, or commissions. You also have the luxury of not having to wait until you signup a new account.

What will happen to my current username?

Affiliate links based on your current username will be forwarded automatically for 14 days to your new affiliate links based on your new username. After 14 days, the old affiliate links will no longer work. The username itself will be placed in moratorium for 60 days. After 60 days, the username will be removed from moratorium and made available for others to register.

Will my domain(s) name change?

No. Domain names and usernames are not related. Changing your username will not change your domain(s) name.

Is there a limit to the number of times I can change my username?

There is no limit to the number of times you can change your username, but you will be charged $10 every time you complete a username change, regardless of how long you used the previous username for. Please note: Affiliate links for only your most recent username will be forwarded to your newest username. Affiliate links from username changes prior to the most recent one will not be forwarded.

How long will it take for a username change to take effect?

Username changes will be fully active within 2 hours of completing payment.

I changed my username. Why am I no longer able to access my account?

Immediately following successful payment of your username change, you will be logged out of your account. You will not be allowed to sign back into your account for 2 hours. This is necessary to make all the required changes so everything works properly with your new username. Everything else will continue to work like normal, including propagation of your domains and email delivery.

I waited 2 hours after changing my username. Why am I still unable to access my account?

This one seems obvious, but it happens more than you might think. Please remember: Once you complete a username change, the old username no longer belongs to you. You must log into your account using your new username. The password to access your account will remain unchanged.

I changed my username. Why am I no longer able to access my hosting FTP account?

Your hosting FTP account username always matches your main account username. If you change your main account username, your hosting FTP account username will also change. You must log into your hosting FTP account using your new username. The password to access your hosting FTP account will remain unchanged. This information only applies to customers using our hosting option.

GDI Affiliate Marketing as a Loyalty Program and Referral Program

Affiliate marketing can have a bad rap thanks to a lot of misunderstanding. People will call it a pyramid scheme, which isn’t true; see our post on it here. Many people also don’t quite understand how you build income as an affiliate; see our post on how this works here. Combating this bad rap and marketing the opportunity can be a bit overwhelming at times. A great way to market is to ask yourself why you’re an affiliate and then shares with others the benefits. But, if you’re having trouble explaining GDI’s affiliate program, here are a few ways to package it so others can understand and get excited.

Loyalty Program

Many companies have loyalty programs where users and customers accrue rewards, points or discounts for being active with a company. GDI works like that in a sense; we reward you each time someone signs up with you. GDI also offers contests and bonuses that run regularly for that extra reward for our loyal affiliates.

Referral Program

Possibly the most simple and easy to understand way to explain the GDI affiliate program is as a type of referral program. Affiliates are rewarded for each new sign up they refer to their team. When your referral signs up with you, you receive a commission.

Domain Service and More

GDI doesn’t just offer you money for building your business; we offer great services and a one of kind domain. New prospects can think of GDI like a domain service that also gives them the chance to make a little money on the side.

 How do you package GDI? Why did you join?

Conversations Build Relationships; Relationships Build Your Team

It all starts with a conversation. Affiliate marketing is about building relationships and opportunities. The best way to do that is with conversations, but it has to be the right kind of conversation. Stumbling over words and making an uneducated sales pitch isn’t going to get anyone interested in their own domain. Mastering the art of a powerful conversation while sharing information about your opportunity will surely help you to succeed. We share a few tips to help you have the right conversations.

Educate Yourself

A dialogue between you and a prospective team member will include questions on their part and you need to answer them. If you find you don’t have all the answers, brush up on some of your GDI knowledge. A great way to do this is to reach out to you upline with your questions. If you don’t have time for that log in to your Members Area and check out the FAQs and the Tutorial Videos there. Lastly, this blog is a great resource. Take advantage of the search box at the upper right to find posts on specific topics.


If you had a big speech or a presentation on your calendar, you would practice, right? These relationship building conversations are just as important. Think of what you would like to cover in your conversation and reach out to your upline to have a few practice conversations. You can even reach out to a friend who doesn’t know much about GDI to help you be prepared for what kind of questions may be asked of you.

Have the Right Conversations

Lastly, for these conversations to work, they need to be natural. That may seem impossible when you have a specific motive, but try to find ways to connect with those you are talking to. Use personal stories to nail down a point or talk about specific GDI offerings like .WS email and how they’ve made your life easier. Remember, you’re just talking to another person like yourself with goals and dreams, try to relate to them as much as possible while sharing your opportunity.