Tag Archives: FAQ

GDI’s Product and Pruchasing FAQs

How much do domain packages cost?
$10 per month per domain.

Is anything else included in the $10 monthly fee?
Yes: Lots of options! Your $10 monthly fee covers not only your .WS “WebSite” domain name, but everything needed to make full use of it. You can use our hosting services, forward your domain to another location, leave it parked with a simple construction screen, or use our simple SiteBuilder tool to help you design a great WebSite in minutes. All these options include email services. Of course, you always have the option of using your own hosting company as well!

What forms of payment can I use?
You may use PayPal or any of the following major credit cards: American Express, Discover, JCB, MasterCard, or Visa. You may also use debit cards tied to a checking or savings account.

Do you offer any other products?
We offer the following products at an additional cost. Note: Shipping and handling is not included in the listed prices:

**Leads packages:
10 Phone verified leads $30.00
50 Phone verified leads $150.00
100 Phone verified leads $300.00
GDI Business Cards:
1000 cards $49.95
2500 cards $79.00
5000 cards $129.00
10,000 cards $229.00
15,000 cards $329.00
20,000 cards $429.00
25,000 cards $529.00
50,000 cards $995.00
100,000 cards $1,975.00

I selected to change my billing plan type. When will the change take effect?

Changes to a domain’s billing plan will take effect upon completion of the respective domain’s current Paid Through date.

I changed my mind and no longer wish to change my billing plan type. How can I undo a change I submitted?
Simply use the Change Plan link set the billing type back to the “current” plan type.


**We are running a special on verified leads. Purchase now to take advantage of the 2 for 1 offer!


Frequently Asked .ws Domain Questions

You don’t have to be a websitq&a2e developer to understand GDI’s domain offerings. Your .ws domain is easy to use and can be configured many different ways. Here are a few common questions relating to your DNS and subdomains. Leave any additional questions for us in the comments.

What does it mean if my service is “Primary” ?
The primary service will display directly at your domain. For example: http://demonstration.ws. All other services that are “on” must be at subdomains. For example: http://blog.demonstration.ws. Only one service may be primary. Other DNS options (like “SiteBuilder”, “Hosting”, “URL Forwarding”, or “Parking”) cannot be used while a primary service is turned “on”.

What is a subdomain?
Domains can be divided into levels by the use of a dot. For example: in subdomain.domain.ws the “top level” domain is “ws”. The second level domain is “domain”. The third level domain is “subdomain”. A subdomain is a domain that is part of a larger domain; for example, the third level domain is a subdomain of the second level domain, and the second level domain is a subdomain of the top level domain. Subdomains can have completely different sites than the domain they are subordinate to.

How many subdomains can I have?
For each domain, Basic members will receive 20 subdomains (5 per service), and Premium members receive 100 subdomains (25 per service).

Will I be charged for subdomains I create?
No. There is no cost for creating subdomains.

Changing Your Username? We’ve Got Suggestions

Sometimes you need a change and GDI understands that. That’s why we offer you the ability to change your username as needed for just $10. But if you want a new username, but can’t think of one, we now offer you suggestions. Just log in to your Members Area and head to “Change Username” and you will see the form to change your name as well as several suggestions.

If you’re considering changing your username for any reason, read our facts below or in the Members Area first.

Is the change username fee refundable?

Username changes will not be refunded once payment is complete for any reason including, but not limited to, misspellings.

 Why should I change my username instead of just signing up a new account?

Opening multiple active accounts is a direct violation of our policies. You may deactivate your current account if you wish, then signup a new account after waiting 14 full days. In doing so however, nothing from your existing account will be transferred to your new account. This change username function allows you to pick a new username without losing anything from this account including domains, email addresses, WebSites, downlines, or commissions. You also have the luxury of not having to wait until you signup a new account.

What will happen to my current username?

Affiliate links based on your current username will be forwarded automatically for 14 days to your new affiliate links based on your new username. After 14 days, the old affiliate links will no longer work. The username itself will be placed in moratorium for 60 days. After 60 days, the username will be removed from moratorium and made available for others to register.

Will my domain(s) name change?

No. Domain names and usernames are not related. Changing your username will not change your domain(s) name.

Is there a limit to the number of times I can change my username?

There is no limit to the number of times you can change your username, but you will be charged $10 every time you complete a username change, regardless of how long you used the previous username for. Please note: Affiliate links for only your most recent username will be forwarded to your newest username. Affiliate links from username changes prior to the most recent one will not be forwarded.

How long will it take for a username change to take effect?

Username changes will be fully active within 2 hours of completing payment.

I changed my username. Why am I no longer able to access my account?

Immediately following successful payment of your username change, you will be logged out of your account. You will not be allowed to sign back into your account for 2 hours. This is necessary to make all the required changes so everything works properly with your new username. Everything else will continue to work like normal, including propagation of your domains and email delivery.

I waited 2 hours after changing my username. Why am I still unable to access my account?

This one seems obvious, but it happens more than you might think. Please remember: Once you complete a username change, the old username no longer belongs to you. You must log into your account using your new username. The password to access your account will remain unchanged.

I changed my username. Why am I no longer able to access my hosting FTP account?

Your hosting FTP account username always matches your main account username. If you change your main account username, your hosting FTP account username will also change. You must log into your hosting FTP account using your new username. The password to access your hosting FTP account will remain unchanged. This information only applies to customers using our hosting option.