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Identifying Your Marketing Niche

Identifying your marketing niche BL


We’ve talked many times about marketing being a key to success with GDI. Marketing is how other people learn about GDI, your website and your affiliate marketing opportunity. You see marketing everywhere from your feeds on Facebook and Twitter to emails in your inbox. While you can learn a lot about marketing from what others are doing, it is important to have your own style for marketing and feel comfortable with the content you are producing. One way to define this style and level of comfort is to find your niche. Your “niche” is your little corner of marketing expertise where you are different from others and have something unique to offer. Read on for the four ways to find your marketing niche.

Your Expertise

What are you an expert in? What skills do you have that others could benefit from. Your expertise could be in a “hard” skill like website design, or in a soft skill like connecting with people/ Sometimes it’s hard to figure out what you’re best at, so ask your colleagues and your downline and upline members what they think you excel at. Once you know your expertise, use this in your marketing material.  If it is web design, focus on your abilities in that in your marketing materials. People who want to know more about web design will be inclined to learn more.

If your expertise is in a soft skill like connecting with people, use that to your advantage in your marketing by reaching out to people directly. You won’t advertise this skill like you would web design, but you will use it to your advantage by developing relationships with prospective downline members. Do this by reaching out via email, phone or in person and sharing more about GDI or your business.

Your Schedule

The amount of time you have for your website and GDI can affect your marketing style. If you don’t have much time to devote to GDI or your website, consider creating marketing materials that are evergreen. This means that if someone accesses your material today or a year from now, they can benefit and want to learn more. Blog content is an easy way to create evergreen content. Consider a blog post about the top reasons to join GDI or a collections of the lessons you have learned as an affiliate. This is content that will always be useful to people interested in GDI. Create these posts and make them easily available on your website or email them to downline prospects.

Your Communication Style

Are you a great writer or are you much more charismatic on video? Consider your communication style when deciding what marketing material to create. Don’t force yourself to create videos if you hate the camera and poorly written marketing materials won’t do you any good. This is another good space to ask for feedback from your colleagues and team. What do they think you excel at? Consider taking an online class or watching tutorials to improve your communication style in video or writing.

Your Brand

Your online presence and affiliate opportunity is your brand, what do you want it to say about you. Some brand identities for marketers might be the top affiliate on the leaderboard or the most responsive upline member. Consider what you want your brand to be and create marketing materials around it.


Ready to Learn More About Affiliate Marketing with GDI?

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9 Uses for a Website

10 uses for a website

GDI offers its members power and ownership with their .WS domain. Many people could benefit from a domain, but are intimidated by the thought of owning their own domain, or don’t know how to get started. As a GDI affiliate, it is your job to share how important a personalized domain is and how easy it is to own one with GDI.

You know how easy it is to get started with a .WS, so share your story with people as a way to grow your team. If these people still aren’t convinced they need a domain, share with them the benefits of a domain and all the ways they can be used. Here are nine uses for a website or a personalized domain. Share these will people who are unsure if they need a domain and see just how many people could benefit.

1. Sports Team

If you coach a team or take part in a league, a website is a great way to share schedules, the team record, and any practice news. For just $10 per month, a website is a great way to keep a team connected.

2. Events (Wedding/ Baby)

Lots of people create websites for big events like weddings, reunions, and baby showers. If you know anyone planning these big events, they could benefit from their own domain name to share event info, connect people, and help with planning. Think of .WS as “Wedding Site” for this use.

3. Blog

With GDI’s WordPress plugin, having a blog at a domain that you own has never been easier. People who own their .WS can get the benefit of the WordPress platform with the autonomy of their own domain.

4. Photos

GDI offers an easy to use gallery plugin to share photos. Anyone with friends or family far away knows the benefits of a website to share photos and memories. With a .WS you can share your photos at a domain you own and not worry about privacy or ownership issues that come through websites like Facebook.

5. Recipe

Lots of people turn to the internet instead of a cookbook these days when it’s time to plan dinner. Using a website to share your recipes and create an easy to access library for yourself is a great use of your own domain.

6. Message Boards

GDI offers an easy to use forums plugin. This lets you start a conversation around anything you want and invite others to join. This could be about your favorite sport, your town, a personal interest–anything!

7. Business

What do most people do when they want to learn more about a business? Go online and search for that business’s website. If you have a business, but don’t have a website, you are missing these people. Your business website can be a simple single page website listing hours, location, and contact info. Having this website shows you take your business seriously and keeps you from missing potential customers.

8. Restaurant Menu Page

Just like a simple business page, a menu page offers your potential customers the information they need with minimal effort from you. People often look for restaurant menus online and if they can’t find one for a restaurant, they may instead take their business to one that does offer it. If you know anyone who owns their own restaurant, no matter how small, it is essential they have a website with their menu page.

9. Resume/ CV

Having a website with your resume or CV gives employers a chance to find you before they promote a job opening or consider hiring someone. Use your .WS to host your resume, CV, or any portfolio you’ve created. It shows employers you’re website-savvy and allows people to connect you with opportunities even if you might not be actively looking.


Ready to Learn More About Affiliate Marketing with GDI?

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Conversations Build Relationships; Relationships Build Your Team

It all starts with a conversation. Affiliate marketing is about building relationships and opportunities. The best way to do that is with conversations, but it has to be the right kind of conversation. Stumbling over words and making an uneducated sales pitch isn’t going to get anyone interested in their own domain. Mastering the art of a powerful conversation while sharing information about your opportunity will surely help you to succeed. We share a few tips to help you have the right conversations.

Educate Yourself

A dialogue between you and a prospective team member will include questions on their part and you need to answer them. If you find you don’t have all the answers, brush up on some of your GDI knowledge. A great way to do this is to reach out to you upline with your questions. If you don’t have time for that log in to your Members Area and check out the FAQs and the Tutorial Videos there. Lastly, this blog is a great resource. Take advantage of the search box at the upper right to find posts on specific topics.


If you had a big speech or a presentation on your calendar, you would practice, right? These relationship building conversations are just as important. Think of what you would like to cover in your conversation and reach out to your upline to have a few practice conversations. You can even reach out to a friend who doesn’t know much about GDI to help you be prepared for what kind of questions may be asked of you.

Have the Right Conversations

Lastly, for these conversations to work, they need to be natural. That may seem impossible when you have a specific motive, but try to find ways to connect with those you are talking to. Use personal stories to nail down a point or talk about specific GDI offerings like .WS email and how they’ve made your life easier. Remember, you’re just talking to another person like yourself with goals and dreams, try to relate to them as much as possible while sharing your opportunity.