How to Avoid Web Design Pitfalls

avoid web design pitfalls

When used right, your website is your number one marketing tool. It can be your space for others to learn more about GDI, affiliate marketing and who you are. Your website gives people the chance to see what can be done with GDI’s site building tools and plugins. Creating a clean, easy to navigate website can be simple, but there are also many pitfalls to look out for. Read on for how to avoid some of the most common website pitfalls.

Poor Quality Images

Images are essential to a visually interesting website, but the wrong images can drive your traffic away. Always test images on your website before adding them and publishing your site. Images may look OK in the preview, but blurry on your website. It’s not necessary to use high resolution images on your website as these can take up lots of space. Just make sure your image looks clear and sized properly for your site.

Poor Navigation

GDI offers WordPress and SiteBuilder to help you build your website. These services come with themes that include easy navigation and menu building for a reason–good menus are an important feature of a successful website. If you want people to visit many pages on your site, you need to make it easy for them. Menus necessary to navigate your site should be at the top or side of the page so they are easy to see. Make sure every page on your website can be accessed from these menus.

No Linkbacks

Direct traffic to your website is important, but in this highly connected digital world much of your traffic will come from referrals. Referrals are website visits that come from outside sources and pages. You can gain referral traffic by sharing your website on social media or working with other affiliates to share links. Linkbacks to your website helps to verify it through search engines and appear higher in search results.

No Goal Conversion

What do you want people to do when they visit your website? Fill out a contact form? Sign up for a newsletter? What you want people to do on your website should dictate how you build it and how it is designed. Always keep your end goal in mind and make sure website visitors can accomplish it with just a few clicks if needed.

Too Many Distractions

It’s easy to get wrapped up in adding fun things to your website like GIFs, photos, and animations, but use these things sparingly. Too many distractions can make your website seem unprofessional or make it difficult for people to accomplish what you want them to on your site. Use images where it is necessary to explain a concept or break up text. Use GIFs and animation only when they can help your business, like GDI’s animated banners that link to your signup page.

Grammar, Spelling

Nothing makes a website seem unprofessional quite like a spelling mistake or typo. Though these mistakes are simply accidents, it can make it seem like your are careless. Proofread your website frequently and anytime you add new content. Copy all the text from your website and run it through a spell check. If you can, have a friend proofread your website any time you update it.


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GDI Affiliate Marketing Tips to Share with Beginners

Affiliate marketing tips

GDI works best when members work together as a team. The downline setup supports this team structure, but without the right information, teams can easily fall apart. With each new member of your downline you sign up, make sure they are educated and know how to get started with GDI. Here are five affiliate marketing tips and key aspects about GDI that you should share with every downline member.

How to Use Replicated Sites

Replicated Sites let knew members get off the ground running with a ready built web presence, but if new members don’t know these sites exists, they are impossible to leverage. Show your new downline member how they can see their Replicated Sites in the Members Area (Members Area>Replicated Sites) and let them know there are many options including multiple layouts and languages. Have a favorite replicated site? Share it with them .

What Website Building Tools are Available

Once a new member learns about Replicated Sites, they are ready to learn about our other website options. GDI offers WordPress and SiteBuilder plugins to facilitate easy website building or the option to build your own website by using our Drupal CMS option. To use SiteBuilder, new members need to navigate to Members>Build Your Website. For users who want to use the WordPress plugin or our Drupal CMS offering, navigate to Members>Wordpress and More and turn services on and off to access them.

How Referrals and Commissions Work

Referrals and commissions are important to those new GDI members who wish to take part in the income opportunity. First, find out why your new downline member joined–for a website, income opportunity, or both? Explaining that commissions are earned each time a new referral converts to a paying member, but commissions are paid out monthly. You can choose to have your payouts as Paypal or Payza, bank wire, or mailed check. Remember, that the lowest minimum payout limit you can select is $10 USD. Commission totals less than your selected minimum payout amount will be carried over until such time as your balance meets your selected minimum. Referrals are powerful, but they only become income once your new referral becomes a paid GDI member.

How to Get in Contact with You

There can a be learning curve as a new member, so that’s why its important that your new downline members know how to get in contact with you. Tell your downline your preferred email and phone and when it is best to contact you. Remember, downline members can also elect to contact you through the Members Area, so make sure your information is always up to date.

The Learning Bonus

You may have been reading through this list and thought, “Doesn’t the Learning Bonus teach you that?” and you’re right. It does. But the Learning Bonus is no replacement for advice and assistance from experienced affiliates like yourself. When you work to guide your new downline member, they will be educated and work through the bonus faster. The sooner your downline completes their Learning Bonus (and earns themselves $25!) the sooner you are on your are on your way to the $250 Duplication Bonus.


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Identifying Your Marketing Niche

Identifying your marketing niche BL


We’ve talked many times about marketing being a key to success with GDI. Marketing is how other people learn about GDI, your website and your affiliate marketing opportunity. You see marketing everywhere from your feeds on Facebook and Twitter to emails in your inbox. While you can learn a lot about marketing from what others are doing, it is important to have your own style for marketing and feel comfortable with the content you are producing. One way to define this style and level of comfort is to find your niche. Your “niche” is your little corner of marketing expertise where you are different from others and have something unique to offer. Read on for the four ways to find your marketing niche.

Your Expertise

What are you an expert in? What skills do you have that others could benefit from. Your expertise could be in a “hard” skill like website design, or in a soft skill like connecting with people/ Sometimes it’s hard to figure out what you’re best at, so ask your colleagues and your downline and upline members what they think you excel at. Once you know your expertise, use this in your marketing material.  If it is web design, focus on your abilities in that in your marketing materials. People who want to know more about web design will be inclined to learn more.

If your expertise is in a soft skill like connecting with people, use that to your advantage in your marketing by reaching out to people directly. You won’t advertise this skill like you would web design, but you will use it to your advantage by developing relationships with prospective downline members. Do this by reaching out via email, phone or in person and sharing more about GDI or your business.

Your Schedule

The amount of time you have for your website and GDI can affect your marketing style. If you don’t have much time to devote to GDI or your website, consider creating marketing materials that are evergreen. This means that if someone accesses your material today or a year from now, they can benefit and want to learn more. Blog content is an easy way to create evergreen content. Consider a blog post about the top reasons to join GDI or a collections of the lessons you have learned as an affiliate. This is content that will always be useful to people interested in GDI. Create these posts and make them easily available on your website or email them to downline prospects.

Your Communication Style

Are you a great writer or are you much more charismatic on video? Consider your communication style when deciding what marketing material to create. Don’t force yourself to create videos if you hate the camera and poorly written marketing materials won’t do you any good. This is another good space to ask for feedback from your colleagues and team. What do they think you excel at? Consider taking an online class or watching tutorials to improve your communication style in video or writing.

Your Brand

Your online presence and affiliate opportunity is your brand, what do you want it to say about you. Some brand identities for marketers might be the top affiliate on the leaderboard or the most responsive upline member. Consider what you want your brand to be and create marketing materials around it.


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