Category Archives: Advice

Encourage Engagement with Blog Posts

Blogs are a powerful way to connect with your audience, share your story, and build a brand. That’s why GDI offers a WordPress plugin as well as a blog plugin for our SiteBuilder service. Once you’re set up with the plugin of your choice, it’s time to think about how you want to blog. Here a three ways to create content that encourages engagement from your visitors.

Don’t Repeat Yourself

Think of the message you want your blog posts to convey before you write them. If you’re writing posts to encourage people to join GDI, think of new ways to write this call to action. Simple repeating posts that tell people to “sign up today!” defeats the purpose of a blog; blogs are a vehicle for fresh content. Create a new way to frame your messages with each post to keep visitors interested.

Connect to the News around You

One way to avoid repeating yourself is to follow the news. You can set up Google alerts for news related to your blog topic. Use these news stories to connect your blog posts and keep them relevant. This is also great for SEO as topics in the news are sure to be hot search topics for some time.

Switch Up Content

This tip helps your blog visitors as well as you. Switch up the type of content you’re sharing on your blog. This means taking advantage of all you can share from videos, to lists posts, to articles and blogs you like (attributed, of course). This will keep visitors engaged and will help you to avoid blog writers block!

What advice for blogging do you always try to follow? Do you use WordPress or our SiteBuilder blog?

What Next: Resources for Beginners

When you start any new endeavor, it’s easy to be overwhelmed.  At GDI we work hard to make sure our beginners don’t feel this way by providing numerous resources to help you get started and get acquainted with GDI. If you’re new to GDI or need a refresher, here are three important resources for you.


GDI has an extensive forum that has been around for several years. You can access it at or by clicking “Forums” inside your Members Area. The forums contain posts from other affiliates, both new and old. You can ask questions in an active topic or browse older topics to see if your question has already been answered. Make the forums part of your weekly routine to see what’s going on with other affiliates and get answers from people who have been there.


Our Facebook page is where you will find any news from GDI. We share blog posts, videos and updates almost daily on our page at But aside what we offer on Facebook, it’s a great place to see what other affiliates are up to. Many of our affiliates share links, personal successes and challenges and questions on the page. Our team works to quickly answer any questions on the Facebook page, as do many of our affiliates. You’ll find out who is willing to help you out and who might be great to work with in the future.

GDI Tutorials

We offer an extensive library of tutorial videos. From our biweekly video blogs to step by step videos, we’ve covered just about every topic you can imagine with video. If you’re wondering how to set up your blog, manage your plugins or build your team, we’ve got a video for that. We are building the library each day, so suggestions are always welcome. You can watch our videos within the Members Area>GDI Tutorial Videos or on your YouTube Page.

Use this LinkedIn Feature to Build Your Online Reputation

We’ve posted before about ways your LinkedIn profile can help yLinkedIn Featureou grow your business, but did you know it can also help you manage your reputation? One LinkedIn feature does just that, and though it may take a little extra work, the benefits can be huge. That feature is the recommendations feature. Recommendations on LinkedIn appear within your profile and can come from anyone who can vouch for your work at a specific job or business venture. These recommendations show proof of your work and abilities and help your profile stand out.

So how do you get a recommendation? Log in to your LinkedIn profile and then navigate to the Profile tab. Here you will see a drop down that includes Recommendations. Once you click on Recommendations, you will see a listing of your positions and work past and present. Select a position and a coworker who can has the knowledge to endorse your work at that company. This recommendation will now appear on your profile. It’s important to connect with other GDI affiliates on LinkedIn and your team members so fellow affiliates can recommend you and share the success they had with you.

For a step by step guide to recommendations, visit LinkedIn’s FAQ on the subject.