Tag Archives: affiliate marketing

GDI Affiliate Marketing as a Loyalty Program and Referral Program

Affiliate marketing can have a bad rap thanks to a lot of misunderstanding. People will call it a pyramid scheme, which isn’t true; see our post on it here. Many people also don’t quite understand how you build income as an affiliate; see our post on how this works here. Combating this bad rap and marketing the opportunity can be a bit overwhelming at times. A great way to market is to ask yourself why you’re an affiliate and then shares with others the benefits. But, if you’re having trouble explaining GDI’s affiliate program, here are a few ways to package it so others can understand and get excited.

Loyalty Program

Many companies have loyalty programs where users and customers accrue rewards, points or discounts for being active with a company. GDI works like that in a sense; we reward you each time someone signs up with you. GDI also offers contests and bonuses that run regularly for that extra reward for our loyal affiliates.

Referral Program

Possibly the most simple and easy to understand way to explain the GDI affiliate program is as a type of referral program. Affiliates are rewarded for each new sign up they refer to their team. When your referral signs up with you, you receive a commission.

Domain Service and More

GDI doesn’t just offer you money for building your business; we offer great services and a one of kind domain. New prospects can think of GDI like a domain service that also gives them the chance to make a little money on the side.

 How do you package GDI? Why did you join?

Representing GDI the Right Way

GDI gives those interested a chance to become an affiliate and as such represent the company. Because of this, it’s important to respect GDI for the sake of yourself, the company, and your fellow affiliates. You are in the unique position of being a representative for a company and how you represent it is important. Making false claims and lying about your business can land you in hot water in many ways but also damage the reputation of GDI and hurt your fellow affiliates. Read our examples below and work to represent yourself and GDI in the best way.

You don’t have to share all your secrets

…but that doesn’t mean you have to be so vague people don’t know what they are signing up for. You can develop a great system that you want to keep for your personal GDI team, but you don’t have to be so quiet about it that people don’t know what they’re in for. Share what GDI is and some of how you have been successful. Don’t give away all of your trade secrets, but do be honest.

Share the promise of income for life

…but don’t make promises for huge sums of money that you can’t follow up on. With affiliate programs, you get back what you put into it and this will be different for each affiliate. Do not overextend yourself and advertise to potential downline members an amount of money you can’t promise. Be real with what you’ve worked for and what others might expect.

7 Powerful Content Marketing Tips

One way to drive traffic to your site is to create smart content. How do you create smart content and get views? We share our seven tips.

  1. Set goals for your content. What are you trying to achieve with each post, video or page? Set a goal and then create content that will help you achieve it.
  2. Invite others to take part. Ask team members and those in your network for feedback on your site and your opportunity. Then share it in a post of video.
  3. Share across many social networks. Even though Facebook may be your favorite, it’s important to share across many different types of social networks like Twitter, YouTube, SlideShare and Storify.
  4. Set a schedule and stick to it.  Select how often you want to share new content and stick to whatever that schedule may be. Visitors will come to expect it.
  5. Switch up your content types. Switch things up between video, presentations and text.
  6. Be a thought leader, not a parrot. Don’t be one of many of the same voices online. Select a unique point of view or area of expertise and share it, don’t just echo what others post.
  7. Respond to specific requests. Do you have visitors asking questions? Respond to them with a great post of video.