Incentivize Your Downline Members

The longevity of your downline members is one key to success with GDI. Having a strong team that is always growing will keep you earning commissions. But when team members don’t stay for long, you can find yourself scrambling to build your downline each month. The easy solution is to just retain team members while adding new ones, right? Well sometimes that is easier said than done. Here are a few ways to sweeten the GDI offerings and keep your team members around longer.


GDI has recently ramped up our contest offerings. At any given time, chances are we’re running a contest to give you a chance to win more cash from GDI. GDI contests are separate from bonuses, so they aren’t based on the number of signups you have. Currently, GDI members have a chance to win $25 for creating a GDI board on Pinterest or even $100 for sharing advice with us. These are chances to win cash from GDI for just taking a few simple steps. Have your downline members follow GDI on Facebook and Twitter to know about the newest contests. Always encourage your downline to enter for a chance to win cash from GDI. An affiliate earning money is more likely to stick around and work on building their business.


People are much more likely to stick with a business when they understand it. This tip may seem like a no brainer, but often new downline members are confused and feel left behind by their sponsor. Don’t let this happen to you and your team. Organize what you have learned in your time with GDI in a way that is shareable with new members. Reach out to your downline when they struggle to help them along instead of letting them quit. Education for your downline can be simple and shared in the form of videos, emails, blog posts, or just a quick phone call.


GDI’s Learning Bonus is designed to encourage longevity. The bonus does not require new signups to get several signups of their own in a short time, but just encourages them to learn more about GDI. The Learning Bonus asks new affiliates to accomplish simple tasks like setting up their .WS email, and then rewards them with $25 when all tasks are complete. The Learning Bonus helps to create an educated downline and encourage them to make more money. Be sure your new signups know how to take advantage of the Learning Bonus.

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Take Control of Your Online Identity

Your online reputation plays a big role in building your business. Learn four ways to manage it.

1. Take the lead. Instead of waiting for others to talk about you, give them something to talk about. Share your success on your website and blog. Post your Virtual ID Card on your website so other can see your success. Create videos and blogs that are helpful and share your message before someone shares it for you.

2. Respond quickly and thoughtfully. When downline members or prospects have questions, you’re on the clock. You need to answer and assist people quickly and thoughtfully. Each moment you wait to help someone who needs it, your reputation takes a hit.

3. Manage bad feedback. Unpleasant feedback is almost inevitable, but it can quickly be resolved with some effort on your part. If a downline member is unhappy, or a prospect sours, take the time to address their issues. Respect their opinions and work to find a solution. If you just write them off, your reparation could suffer as a result.

4. Play to your strengths. You don’t have to be the best at everything to have a good online presence and reputation. If video is your comfort zone, put your effort into making great  videos and save blogging for someone else. Work on creating content your love and working with services you understand. It’s better to have one quality output than multiple not so great offerings.

Help for Your Downline

The GDI affiliate program offers a unique opportunity to those interested. While GDI effectively does the marketing for you, your affiliate opportunity is still your business. GDI does much of the work, but you still need to take on the role of business owner in a few ways. One is how you work with your team, new signups, and everyone who has the slightest possibility of being interested.

 Offer Help to All

As with any business, you can’t reserve pleasantries and helpfulness just for guaranteed customers. Often times you might not know right away if someone is going to be worth your effort, but you still need to give 100% to every person you work with. Having your own business requires you to treat everyone as a potential customer and that is no different for being an affiliate with GDI. So answer questions and be helpful and friendly no matter if someone is a new team member, old team member, or someone who may or may not be interested.

Provide Help Before It’s Needed

You may walk into a grocery store knowing what you need, but chances are you still need to follow the signs on each aisle to find everything you’re looking for. This is a business answering your questions before you have to ask. Treat your potential signups and new team members this way. Think of questions they may have and have their answers already there for them in the form of blog posts, videos or your website. Providing help before it’s needed can help you to hang on to leads.

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