Category Archives: Advice

Conversations Build Relationships; Relationships Build Your Team

It all starts with a conversation. Affiliate marketing is about building relationships and opportunities. The best way to do that is with conversations, but it has to be the right kind of conversation. Stumbling over words and making an uneducated sales pitch isn’t going to get anyone interested in their own domain. Mastering the art of a powerful conversation while sharing information about your opportunity will surely help you to succeed. We share a few tips to help you have the right conversations.

Educate Yourself

A dialogue between you and a prospective team member will include questions on their part and you need to answer them. If you find you don’t have all the answers, brush up on some of your GDI knowledge. A great way to do this is to reach out to you upline with your questions. If you don’t have time for that log in to your Members Area and check out the FAQs and the Tutorial Videos there. Lastly, this blog is a great resource. Take advantage of the search box at the upper right to find posts on specific topics.


If you had a big speech or a presentation on your calendar, you would practice, right? These relationship building conversations are just as important. Think of what you would like to cover in your conversation and reach out to your upline to have a few practice conversations. You can even reach out to a friend who doesn’t know much about GDI to help you be prepared for what kind of questions may be asked of you.

Have the Right Conversations

Lastly, for these conversations to work, they need to be natural. That may seem impossible when you have a specific motive, but try to find ways to connect with those you are talking to. Use personal stories to nail down a point or talk about specific GDI offerings like .WS email and how they’ve made your life easier. Remember, you’re just talking to another person like yourself with goals and dreams, try to relate to them as much as possible while sharing your opportunity.

Representing GDI the Right Way

GDI gives those interested a chance to become an affiliate and as such represent the company. Because of this, it’s important to respect GDI for the sake of yourself, the company, and your fellow affiliates. You are in the unique position of being a representative for a company and how you represent it is important. Making false claims and lying about your business can land you in hot water in many ways but also damage the reputation of GDI and hurt your fellow affiliates. Read our examples below and work to represent yourself and GDI in the best way.

You don’t have to share all your secrets

…but that doesn’t mean you have to be so vague people don’t know what they are signing up for. You can develop a great system that you want to keep for your personal GDI team, but you don’t have to be so quiet about it that people don’t know what they’re in for. Share what GDI is and some of how you have been successful. Don’t give away all of your trade secrets, but do be honest.

Share the promise of income for life

…but don’t make promises for huge sums of money that you can’t follow up on. With affiliate programs, you get back what you put into it and this will be different for each affiliate. Do not overextend yourself and advertise to potential downline members an amount of money you can’t promise. Be real with what you’ve worked for and what others might expect.

Five Habits of Successful Affiliates

Keep It Simple

Success with your team comes from their ability to duplicate your success. So how do you make it easy for them to do this? Keep it simple. Create a simple plan or approach to building your team, and when it’s successful, share it with your team so they can do they same.

Don’t Sell

It’s called affiliate marketing for a reason—it’s different from selling. You’re marketing an opportunity with a product, not selling a product alone. Work in a way that potential team members don’t feel like they are getting a sales pitch, but instead a chance for them to build Income for Life.

Branch Out

Stay away from family and friends when it comes to building your team unless someone has already shown interest. When only approaching friends and family with your affiliate team, you may get a lot of “no’s” and get discouraged. Instead, successful affiliates branch out and use many ways to connect with new team members like social media, networking sites, and even networking and business events in your hometown.

Don’t Give Up

Often times when we ask some of our top affiliates for advice, this is what they say. It’s important not to throw in the towel your first bad week. Many affiliates would not be successful today if they had quit when they first had the chance. Persevere when things slow down and get creative to move past a slump.

Keep Your Eyes on the Prize and Stay Positive

Remember you’re doing this for you. So keep your eyes on your goals with affiliate marketing, be they big or small and keep that positive outlook that got you started in the first place!