Wrapping Up 2013

2013 is coming to a close and things can be pretty quiet business-wise. That makes this the perfect time to look back on the previous year and make a plan for the next.  Here’s how to wrap up 2013 and make 2014 your most successful year yet.

Grade 2013

It’s a good idea to measure you success at the end of each month and keep a running document of this information. Even if you haven’t been too good at keeping track of this information in 2013, you can still easily assess the year. Ask yourself a few key questions. What was my biggest success? What was my biggest challenge? How often did I lose a team member? How much time did I spend on building my business with GDI each week? What bonuses did I earn? The answers to these questions can give you a simple overview of your year and allow you to get brainstorming for 2014.


Set 2014 Goals

Based on the answers to the above questions and what you hope to achieve in 2014, it’s time to set some new hard goals and deadlines. These goals can be based on numbers, like how many hours put into building your business, or how close you are to your Duplication Bonus. You can also set goals based on personal growth and helping others, like making sure to watch our Tutorial Videos, or to helping to answer questions new affiliates may have on Facebook.

Make Plans to Reach Those Goals

Now that you’ve set your goals, you need to take the time to write out the steps that will help you achieve those goals, like we did below:

Goal: Sign up five new team members per month and work towards a Team Bonus

Steps to Achieve Goal:

What Do You Want to Do with GDI?

Are you part of the GDI Affiliate program?

Signing up with GDI doesn’t mean you have to pursue our income opportunity. In fact, the choice is all yours for how you work with us. But if you choose to be an affiliate, we want to help you get started. One of the common questions after signing up with GDI is “What do I do? Where do I start?” While there are many different ways to be successful with GDI, we shared some basic principles of what should be included in an affiliate’s role to be a successful part of GDI.

Build Income for Life

The phrase “Income for Life” echoes a passion many of us have. It first makes one think of quitting their 9-5 and living off their network marketing fortune forever. But it’s not quite like that. GDI can help you create Income for Life, but it takes work. As we often say, if you want part time income from GDI put in part time work. If you want full time income, put in full time work. GDI offers a variety of marketing tools and tips, but if you want to create Income for Life, you need to have that passion to stick with you and network marketing for just as long.

Share Your Passion and Our Products

Just like that passion for GDI will help you stick with the work that can create Income for Life, that passion helps others to see what they can gain from joining GDI and working with your team. Passion for businesses like GDI is contagious, so all we ask is that you be passionate about your business and share with people just how passionate you are. So, it’s easy to be passionate about income, but what about our products?! What sets GDI apart from opportunities and domain registrars like it is easy access to the products and services you need to get going. GDI offers you everything from a quick start site creating tool, to your very own WordPress account already set up for you to use, to inviters to simply share emails about your new business opportunity with as many or as few of your contacts. So get to know our products by using them or learn more about them first here.


As you know, the GDI opportunity is considered network marketing, so networking is essential to building your business. Like many of our other tips, networking in this industry is not much different from networking in your standard 9-5, except a lot of it can be done on the internet. Do you research on sites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to find others interested in GDI or network marketing and start conversations and see what connections they might have. You can even check out GDI’s Twitter and Facebook page to see who is a fan of us and how you might be able to work with them. Like networking in the traditional business world, not all connections are going to land you that great job or great opportunity, but the more people you are connected with the more chance you have of meeting the right people to add to your downline or offer you great advice.

What do you think the role of an affiliate entails?

Facebook Marketing Tips for 2014

If you’ve been on Facebook for more than a couple months, you know the most popular social media site is always changing. From layouts to how you interact with friends, Facebook is constantly adjusting some setting. This means that the way to market on Facebook needs to change often too. Here are two features you need to be aware of to make the most of your Facebook marketing efforts.FBhash

Hash tags (#)

Love them or hate them, hashtags aren’t just for Twitter anymore. You can now add a hashtag to your Facebook posts, which will change the phrase or word you hashtag into a clickable link. When someone clicks on the hashtagged word they will see a custom newsfeed with posts from others using the same hashtag (see right). You can do this yourself by simple adding the hastag symbol (#) in front of the word you would like to make to clickable.  This is a great feature to have your posts and Facebook page found by non-friends or connect with others.


You’ve probably noticed that images have gotten larger in your news feed. Facebook gives special attention to images these days and posts without them are easy to miss. Images are great because they capture attention and are very shareable. Friends are much more likely to share a post with an image than just text.  Try to add a relevant image to each link or post that you share on Facebook and watch engagement grow.

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