10 Marketing Ideas for 2014

  1. Add images. Images help to get your social media posts shared and spread your influence.marketing
  2. Try hashtags. They’re on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram and more. Use them to connect with others posting about similar interests.
  3. Use the Marketing Kit. We have marketing materials ready to be personalized right in your Members Area. Print and share.
  4. Connect offline. Don’t forget the power of in-person marketing. Attend business meet ups in your area.
  5. Find your network. Identify who you want to be marketing too. This will be your network.
  6. Join or create a team. GDI’s Team Bonus encourages affiliates to support one another. Take part.
  7. Learn everything you can. The more you know, the easier it is to market. You’ll be ready to answer any question that comes your way.
  8. Promote your website. Add your web address to email signatures, business cards, phone contact cards and more.
  9. Brand yourself. Create a unified brand look for your website, social sites and marketing materials.
  10. Position your business. Know what your business can do for others and presents these values front and foremost.

Why Aren’t I Making Money Yet?

One question we get from new affiliates is, “Why aren’t I making any money.” This often comes within the first few weeks of joining as an affiliate and is nothing to worry about. Becoming a GDI affiliate is your first step in building your own business. As such it may take a little time as you learn what you’re doing before you make money. GDI knows if can be discouraging if you aren’t earning Income for Life as quickly as you’d like. Here are two ways you can work to earn income right away as a new affiliate.


This is the main way affiliates can earn income. When you sign up for GDI, you are essentially signing up for two things. You have agreed to sign up with a sponsor, or if you registered without a sponsor, one will be assigned to you. When you sign up with a sponsor, you become part of their team or downline. When you sign up people below you, they become a part of your team or downline. For each person you sign to your downline you are paid out $1 per month per person in your downline. So it’s up to you to get downline signups and ensure they convert to active affiliates. Signups that just stay on for the trial and leave do not count towards your downline or commissions.

Learning Bonus

The Learning Bonus is a reward for taking the first steps to being successful with GDI. It’s a $25 bonus that affiliates can earn within their first two months with GDI. This is a great way to learn more about GDI and earn income easily within your first weeks with GDI. The steps are achievable and a step by step list can be found in your Members Area when eligible.


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