Tag Archives: business plan

Wrapping Up 2013

2013 is coming to a close and things can be pretty quiet business-wise. That makes this the perfect time to look back on the previous year and make a plan for the next.  Here’s how to wrap up 2013 and make 2014 your most successful year yet.

Grade 2013

It’s a good idea to measure you success at the end of each month and keep a running document of this information. Even if you haven’t been too good at keeping track of this information in 2013, you can still easily assess the year. Ask yourself a few key questions. What was my biggest success? What was my biggest challenge? How often did I lose a team member? How much time did I spend on building my business with GDI each week? What bonuses did I earn? The answers to these questions can give you a simple overview of your year and allow you to get brainstorming for 2014.


Set 2014 Goals

Based on the answers to the above questions and what you hope to achieve in 2014, it’s time to set some new hard goals and deadlines. These goals can be based on numbers, like how many hours put into building your business, or how close you are to your Duplication Bonus. You can also set goals based on personal growth and helping others, like making sure to watch our Tutorial Videos, or to helping to answer questions new affiliates may have on Facebook.

Make Plans to Reach Those Goals

Now that you’ve set your goals, you need to take the time to write out the steps that will help you achieve those goals, like we did below:

Goal: Sign up five new team members per month and work towards a Team Bonus

Steps to Achieve Goal:

Looking Back on Your Business Plan from 2012

The end of the year is fast approaching; you should have a plan to work with it. The end of the year should mean assessing goals, plans, and progress from the past 12 months. Here is one breakdown to apply to your opportunity to see how far you’ve come this year and what you might need to change for the New Year.

Signs Ups and Bonuses

  1. How many new sign ups did you get this year?
  2. How many of those sign ups are still with you?
  3. The Learning Bonus launched in August, how many of your sign ups since then have achieved it?
  4. How far off are you from your Duplication Bonus
  5. What bonuses have you earned this year?

Time and Effort

  1. Did you have a business plan for 2012?
  2. On average, how much time did you spend on GDI weekly?
  3. How often did you market offline?
  4. What forms of marketing did you use online?
  5. How active were you on social media?
  6. How many times did you take a break from your business? For how long?

Education and Content

  1. How many tutorials have you watched?
  2. How many blogs posts have you read and shared?
  3. How often did you help your downline?
  4. How often did you update your blog or WebSite?
  5. Did you share your business plan with your downline members?

These questions are just a guideline to get you thinking about the progress of your opportunity this year. What questions help you reflect and set new goals?

Five Ways to Enjoy Your Vacation and Maintain Your Business

Whether you’re traveling for the holidays or just taking a mental break, here are five simple ways to maintain your business while you take a break.

  1. Set up an auto responder for emails when you’re out of town. This will reply to any incoming emails with a preset message. Keep your message short and let senders know you’ll be in touch soon.
  2. Create blog posts and schedule them to post while you’re way, keeping content fresh and the appearance you’re still working behind the scenes
  3. Let your downline know you’ll be away form email and phone for sometime and direct them to other resources to help them, like this blog or our Support Team.
  4. Include a signup link in your auto responder and any profile. You don’t need to post on social media that you’re traveling, but be sure a link to your WebSite is easy to see so people can join while you’re away.
  5. If you’re feeling ambitious, you can easily access .WS email on your smartphone to stay on top of your business form afar. .WS mobile email supports Apple iOS and Android.