Category Archives: WebSites

Keywords, SEO and Your WebSite

Content is great. Content is powerful. But what good is great content if no one can find it? That’s why you need to go a step beyond creating great posts and videos for your blog and WebSite and into the world of keywords, SEO, backlinks, and sharing. These words and phrases can seem a bit overwhelming, but each is just a simple tool or tricks to help get eyes to your website. We break down how you can take advantage of each one of these to drive more traffic to your site and in turn at more team members.


SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Search Engine Optimization basically means increasing the chances of your site coming up in search engines with the help of best practices. What are best practices? They can be taking advantage keywords, backlinks and other ways to bump you WebSite in search rankings that are explained in this series.


Keywords are those words within your content that relates the topic of your site and what should be most relevant to visitors. Before you can start using keywords throughout your content, you need to identify which keywords apply to you and which ones you want to use to drive people to your website. You can do this by asking yourself what kind of content you regularly cover on your site and what kind of visitors you like. Select keywords that represent both of these and be sure to include them throughout your text. WordPress offers some keyword plugins to ensure you’re using them properly and effectively. Simply search “keyword tool” in the Add New plugins section of your blog.

Five Things Your WebSite Needs Right Now

  1. A Contact Form: A visitor to your site is great, but what you really want is the next step: contact! A contact form can provide with you leads, allow visitors to ask questions, and simply help you build your network.
  2. Call to Action: What is it you want visitors to your site to do? Watch a movie? Share a post? Leave a comment? Ask them! This is called the call to action. Figure out the purpose of your site then ask visitors to help you achieve it.
  3. Links to Social Media: Just like a contact form, these will help people connect with you and learn more. Some people may be too shy to send an email, but social networks provide the perfect opportunity to get connected and work on building your team.
  4. Your Opportunity: Whether you share the 7 Minute Movie or just a link to your sign up page, be sure to include an option for visitors to your website to join your GDI team.
  5. Conversation Starters: Don’t forget to provide site visitors with great information and education about you, your GDI team or your area of expertise. This information will help to start conversations and get visitors keep coming back to learn more.

What to Do if You Already Have a Website or the Know How to Build Your Own

Ready to Build Your Own Site?

GDI allows you to use Drupal to build your own site at your .ws domain. According to their main site, “Drupal is a free software package that allows you to easily organize, manage and publish your content, with an endless variety of customization.” To get started with Drupal for GDI, navigate to the Plugins section of your Members Area and turn the Drupal CMS plugin to the ON position. You can also click to view a demo or visit Drupal’s beginner’s page for tips here.

Want to Forward to Another Site?

If you would like your .WS to forward visitors to an already created site at another domain, you can do this with a just a few clicks of the mouse. Log in to your Members Area and click Domains on the left hand side. Once here you will be able to see your domains and their current DNS. Click on change DNS and then select the forwarding option. Here you will be asked where you would like your .WS site to forward to. Once you input this information, your site will begin forwarding. Simple!

Already Have a WordPress Site?
WordPress has built in Import and Export functionality to let you move your site to whatever host you prefer. To bring an existing blog to GDI, first login to your existing blog. On the main navigation menu, look for Tools. In the submenu of Tools, click Export and then press Download Export File. This will cause you to save a file to your local computer with a name like “blog-name.wordpress.YYYY-MM-DD.xml”. After you download the file, login to your GDI WordPress Blog. Again look for Tools, only this time click Import. Select WordPress from the list of blog services, and then Install to install the importer on the server (nothing is installed on your local computer). Next, click Activate Plugin & Run Importer. Finally, browse your computer and upload the file you exported earlier, the one with a name like “blog-name.wordpress.YYYY-MM-DD.xml”. Now GDI is hosting your WordPress site, and you cancel that Hosting service you were paying for!