Category Archives: Advice

Affiliate Advertising: Yes or No?

affiliate advertisingWe have a few affiliates at GDI who swear by paid advertising as it works for them. But just because some people find success with advertising doesn’t mean it’s the only way to succeed. Before the internet gave us immediate access to everything we could ever want to know, advertising was one of the few ways a company, or individual could engage you. Thankfully, this is no longer true. Learn how and why you can grow your downline and income without advertising.

Invite, Don’t Interrupt


Advertisements tend to serve as a way or interrupting your current activity. Whether you’re distracted by a billboard while driving or your favorite show is broken up a by a noisy commercial, you’re being interrupted. As an affiliate marketer you should be working to invite people to your site, not interrupt them. Advertising’s style of interrupted is still very popular, but with the internet people can now get information about a business without being interrupted. They can simply search for it and you can invite these people to your site with the right content. This is beneficial because it attracts the right type of potential customer. When someone has the choice to see your message or not, the people who chose to see it are the ones you want to work with. Remember, content isn’t far removed from advertising, the difference is in the packaging. Content can be words, images, video, anything you use to get your message across. Now it is your job to ensure your content is inviting.

Lead with your Message

Content that is inviting is content that speaks for itself. This means that your content shouldn’t be an afterthought. Creating a website and then filling in content where it fits isn’t the best idea. Think of what you want your website to say, who you want to speak to, and what you want visitors to do. Then design your site around this. Remember that every little bit of text on your website is content. That includes your About Page, Contact Page, and more. Content should be short, to the point and honest. You should also keep in mind what people might be searching to find you. Do you want to attract people searching for “affiliate marketing work from home?” The use those words throughout your site in a well written way, don’t just put them anywhere you have space.

Wrapping Up 2013

2013 is coming to a close and things can be pretty quiet business-wise. That makes this the perfect time to look back on the previous year and make a plan for the next.  Here’s how to wrap up 2013 and make 2014 your most successful year yet.

Grade 2013

It’s a good idea to measure you success at the end of each month and keep a running document of this information. Even if you haven’t been too good at keeping track of this information in 2013, you can still easily assess the year. Ask yourself a few key questions. What was my biggest success? What was my biggest challenge? How often did I lose a team member? How much time did I spend on building my business with GDI each week? What bonuses did I earn? The answers to these questions can give you a simple overview of your year and allow you to get brainstorming for 2014.


Set 2014 Goals

Based on the answers to the above questions and what you hope to achieve in 2014, it’s time to set some new hard goals and deadlines. These goals can be based on numbers, like how many hours put into building your business, or how close you are to your Duplication Bonus. You can also set goals based on personal growth and helping others, like making sure to watch our Tutorial Videos, or to helping to answer questions new affiliates may have on Facebook.

Make Plans to Reach Those Goals

Now that you’ve set your goals, you need to take the time to write out the steps that will help you achieve those goals, like we did below:

Goal: Sign up five new team members per month and work towards a Team Bonus

Steps to Achieve Goal:

How Are You Using Your Time? Affiliate Questions

How much time am I dedicating to GDI?q&a2

When it comes to GDI or any network marketing opportunity, you need to ask yourself what kind of income you would like to make, or are expecting to make. If you want full time income, you need to put in full time work to GDI. Some of our top affiliates have been able to quit their “day jobs” because of the income they generated from GDI. But this is because these affiliates were putting in full time work. GDI is unique opportunity for you to really take control of your life and garner Income for Life, but you must put in the hard work to get there. So take a look at how much time you are spending on recruiting people and marketing GDI, there’s probably a direct link to your time and your monthly checks from GDI. If you’re looking for more income, put in more work.

What exactly am I telling people about GDI?

When you market GDI, what do you tell you prospects? Do you tell them about the great products, your experience or the money making opportunity? Tell them about what you know and how you use GDI. When you sell the opportunity from a place of knowledge prospects can see that and feel your confidence. Share your story, not someone else’s and you will get the sign up.

Am I asking people to take the next step?

If you’re great at connecting with people, but they never seem to sign up, why is that? One reason could be that people aren’t sure what to do next. They could be excited about the GDI opportunity but unsure how to move forward. It’s simple, but you need to tell them! Help your prospects through the process step by step; explain why signing up on your team is good for both you and them.

Who am I networking with?

If you’re not marketing to or networking with the right people, you’re never going to get people to sign up! So be sure to network and market to the right people. A great way to do this is to join network marketing groups online at LinkedIn or search for business groups in your hometown. People involved in these groups will be more open to the opportunity.

Am I really marketing my site?

This about what your website looks like and who is seeing it. Do you just use a replicated site? How do you set your site apart from the rest?  A professional looking site shows that you not only use the product but that you also put the time into building your site to market the opportunity. Try to look at your website as an outsider and ask yourself if they way it currently looks would make you want to sign up. Then make changes as needed.