Category Archives: Advice

Your Winning Advice: Round One

This holiday season we’ve been asking for your advice. The GDI Big Tippers Contest launched at the beginning of November and offers 4 chances to win $100. We just finished our first round and announced our top two winners, Koryah Grass and Angela Maria Vargas. We want to take this opportunity to share their advice and share GDI’s take on it. Don’t forget to enter for your chance to win by sharing your advice on our Facebook Page or tweeting us with it.

1) For me is give sincerity to those interested from the first come. By not over-exaggerate. Because, GDI can work, can make money and can preview commission clearly. – Koryah Grass Being honest and authentic is great advice. GDI offers helpful products, great commissions and chances at contests and bonuses each day. This is enough to get someone excited about GDI and this is the truth. When you start promising certain amounts of money and set expectations too high, people either see through it and don’t join or quit shortly after joining.

2) Yo con GDI ademas de Tener un Negocio Que me dará Ingresos de Por Vida puedo a la vez tener mi empresa en linea, enseñar a mis afiliados. Translation: With GDI I have a business that will give me lifetime income. I can take my business online and teach my affiliates. – Maria Angela Vargas Education is great. The business model of GDI and affiliate marketing programs gives affiliates a great chance to teach each other. When you add someone to your downline, they become part of your team and a key to your success. Because of this it is in your best interest to teach them all you know and help them as much as you can.

Driving Traffic to Your .WS

My site is up, what do I do next to make money? That’s simple, you need to drive traffic to your site. However, actually getting that traffic sometimes isn’t so simple. Here are a few quick ways to drive people to your site and encourage them to reach out to you.

Create content that is worth coming back for. This means videos, educational posts and personal experience.

  • Add a tool that easily allows visitors to share content. This way they can drive new visitors to your site. ShareThis is a great option for this.
  • Use an analytics plugin or GDI Hit Logs to see who is coming to your website and from where. Google Analytics is a great free tool.
  • One you figure out who is visiting your site, create content to cater to those who you find are visiting your site.
  • Update often. If you’re using a blog this is easy. For a static WebSite, make sure the content you have isn’t outdated.
  • Comment and link share. Comment on other blogs in your niche and ones you like. This will link back to your site or blog giving you much valued backlinks. Learn more about backlinks.
  • Have a contact form. This allow people to reach out to you and share ideas and comments on your site. SiteBuilder makes it easy to add contact forms and WordPress offers a few plugins to create one.
  • Include your website in signatures and profiles. Put your .WS link wherever you can, like your Facebook profile, email signature, and of course business cards.
  • Showcase others. Showcase team members to take advantage of some of their traffic and share the wealth.

 What traffic driving tips do you have? Share in the comments.