Tag Archives: Upline

What Beginners Need to Know about Affiliate Marketing

GDI Does Much of the Marketing for You…

…but you need to put in work too. If you’ve watched the 7 Minute Movie or chatted with other GDI affiliates, you know that GDI does most of the work for you. If you want, you can be completely hands off in your marketing, allowing the Inviter, GDI 7 Minute Movie and replicated site do the work for you. But to reach the Leaderboard and consistently add new signups, you need to put in extra work. This can mean creating your own videos, taking advantage of SiteBuilder or WordPress to customize your site or networking through social media. For part time income, you can work with GDI part time, but to really increase your level of income, you need to go the extra mile.

 You Can Create Income by Building a Network…

…and stepping outside of your comfort zone. You need to step a bit out of your comfort zone to build new networks and get connected with others. Reach out to old coworkers, local small business owners and entrepreneurs. They might be interested in GDI and they might put you in contact with people in their network. Don’t leave GDI just because mom and dad don’t want to sign up, branch out and tap into huge numbers of people.

GDI Can Benefit Anyone…

…but not everyone will be interested. GDI is a versatile opportunity whether someone is interested in generating extra income or securing a domain. While GDI can benefit many different types or people, some people will simply not be interested. It is important to know who is truly interested and who is wasting your time. Try to build your team with those people who have a genuine interest, not those who are signing up only to disappear in a month.

GDI Offers Many Sources of Support…

…but your sponsor should be #1. Reach out to your upline. GDI offers many resources for your questions including our support team, social media sites, and forums, but your upline should be your first life line. Your upline has more experience in GDI than you and can answer your questions. Reach out to them when you’re just starting out for advice and help, after all, they brought you onto GDI, it’s their duty to help you.

Help Your Team to Build Your Team

Sometimes we get questions on Facebook and Twitter about how to contact your upline. One of the best ways to avoid upline problems is to educate our affiliates on ways to be a good upline resource in the first place, so the education and best practices spread. Read on for a few great tips to be a great upline.

Be available

Don’t go AWOL. Once you have someone secured in your downline, that is not the end of the process. Network Marketing is about building a network. You need to work to maintain relationships and ensure you and your network are successful. If your downline emails, calls or reaches out, it is in your best interest to respond and help them in order to continue to successfully build your downline.

Be open

Aside from just being available, be open about that fact! Tell your downline and your network that you are available and encourage them to reach out to you if needed. You want to establish a level of comfort that ensures everyone in your network  can achieve their full potential.

Offer Help

Try to offer help and guidance even before it is needed. All affiliates experience the same process and tend to share many of the same highs and lows. Everyone, even our most successful affiliates, had to start somewhere. Take the time to share some of the important lessons and experiences that helped to make your GDI business a success. Is there a pitfall that you experienced, but now understand how to avoid? Share the knowledge!

It All Comes Down to Relationships

Success in affiliate marketing and with GDI, like many things in life, comes down to your ability to build and maintain relationships. Building a network takes time and effort and a little extra work in the beginning. Establish open lines of communication and relationships with your downline and you will ensure everyone in your network has a chance for success.

What are your tips for being a great sponsor?

Your Top Webinar Questions (and Answers!) from April 10

Q: What does one do if there is not any upline support to talk to and pump some ideas off of?

A: GDI is set up in a way that each team member has a sponsor, which we often refer to as an upline. Your upline should be available to help you build your business, answer questions and guide you. If you don’t know how to contact this individual, just log into your GDI Member’s Area and select the “Upline” menu option. If you have trouble getting with your direct sponsor, work your way up the list as far as you go until you get the help you need!

Also always there to help you is GDI’s top-notch Support department that is available to answer your questions by phone or email. You will be surprised at the depth of knowledge they can bring, not only to help you understand your product or working in the Member’s Area, but also tips about building your business and sharing the GDI opportunity with others.

Contact them simply by clicking on the “Request Support” link from within your GDI Member’s Area.

However, if you are unable to get in contact with your upline at all, reach out to support and let them know of the issue.
In this webinar, we asked YOU for your answer to one tough question. Here’s the best response we received.

Q: What do you say to someone who is not interested in purchasing a domain?

A: I share with those who say they don’t want a domain name that they will hinder their success by not having a professional link with a powerful message, by having a brand domain name. At the same time, they are also bringing in residual income from the back end which creates an extra income stream for them.

Thanks to Susan B. for the great answer!