Tag Archives: affiliate marketing

Four Reasons Everyone Should Have Their Own Domain Name

Some of you have come in contact with people who are interested in GDI, but do not want a domain name. To combat this problem, we shared a few tactics to work around it, but today we want to share the power of the domain. The next time someone doesn’t want a domain, share a few of these reasons why having your own, personal domain is so important.

Easy to Remember

Having a .WS domain gives you a chance to get a short, easy to remember domain name that represents you, your interests, or your brand. No matter what you want to do with your domain, a short name will be easy to remember and share. Unlike .COMs or services like tumblr, Facebook, and Google+, a personalized site doesn’t have to be a long name with numbers and letters. It can be whatever you want with a .WS. Easy remember domain names, like those GDI offers you, means more hits and more repeat visitors.

Easy to Find

As people search for you and your site, the right domain name can mean a higher search results. When you take the time to brand yourself and create the right domain name for your business, search engines respond. This domain is more likely to come up on a search engine than a Facebook page with no user name.

Safe Keeping

Maybe you don’t have a plan for your domain just yet, but someday you will. Securing your own domain name ensures that your brand and your name are protected from someone else snatching it up. Building a brand and a business is much easier when you are able to secure a straight forward logical domain name as opposed to having to get creative because your first choice domain name is always taken.


Having your own site builds credibility and shows visitors you take your site and your business seriously. Think of all the websites you visit in a day, which do you trust?

Help Your Team to Build Your Team

Sometimes we get questions on Facebook and Twitter about how to contact your upline. One of the best ways to avoid upline problems is to educate our affiliates on ways to be a good upline resource in the first place, so the education and best practices spread. Read on for a few great tips to be a great upline.

Be available

Don’t go AWOL. Once you have someone secured in your downline, that is not the end of the process. Network Marketing is about building a network. You need to work to maintain relationships and ensure you and your network are successful. If your downline emails, calls or reaches out, it is in your best interest to respond and help them in order to continue to successfully build your downline.

Be open

Aside from just being available, be open about that fact! Tell your downline and your network that you are available and encourage them to reach out to you if needed. You want to establish a level of comfort that ensures everyone in your network  can achieve their full potential.

Offer Help

Try to offer help and guidance even before it is needed. All affiliates experience the same process and tend to share many of the same highs and lows. Everyone, even our most successful affiliates, had to start somewhere. Take the time to share some of the important lessons and experiences that helped to make your GDI business a success. Is there a pitfall that you experienced, but now understand how to avoid? Share the knowledge!

It All Comes Down to Relationships

Success in affiliate marketing and with GDI, like many things in life, comes down to your ability to build and maintain relationships. Building a network takes time and effort and a little extra work in the beginning. Establish open lines of communication and relationships with your downline and you will ensure everyone in your network has a chance for success.

What are your tips for being a great sponsor?

Marketing the Right Way

There is quite a difference between marketing and selling. There is a reason why the GDI opportunity if part of affiliate marketing and not affiliate selling. Sales and selling refer to getting customers to buy a certain product, whatever it might be. Marketing is the process of finding that right product, price and placement to ensure it meets the needs of the customer. As you share your GDI opportunity, you should be marketing not selling. Here’s how:

The opportunity and domain that GDI offers can be tailored many different ways to meet the needs of each potential new team member. As you approach people with the opportunity, don’t think about how their joining GDI will benefit you, but how it can benefit them. You need to find out the needs and wants of a potential team member to decide how best to present the opportunity. This is marketing.

Learn what someone might be most interested in and then market the opportunity to them in that sense. Is someone looking simply for another income source? Market the affiliate program. Is this person in need of a site for their business? Market the domain and site building services.

Remember, when you solely look to get someone to join your team for your benefit, you are selling. When you look for someone to join your team for their benefit as well as yours, you are marketing. Always market to build a successful and happy team.