Using LinkedIn to Build Your GDI Connections

LinkedIn isn’t just for people looking for their next 9-5 job, it’s actually the fastest growing social network and for good reason. LinkedIn can take the place of your Rolodex, resume, cover letter and references all on one site. But how can it work for you when you are a network marketer? Read on for tips to do just that.

LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn is the online destination to establish business connections, but what do you do if you are starting from scratch. This is where LinkedIn Groups come in. LinkedIn groups are similar to groups and pages on Facebook because like Facebook you can search for groups by topic or common interests and join them. However, unlike Facebook, these groups are targeted for business questions, answers and networking.

To find a group you can input your keywords into the Group Search box at the right hand corner of the LinkedIn homepage and then filter your results by group type such as alumni group, networking group, corporate group and more. Most of these groups are just one click to join, but others may require your membership be approved. Once you become a member of these groups you can start discussions, ask questions of experts and build relationships. When you share a group with some one, you can also easily ask them to join your network of connections so that you can start to build a relationship with them. Start conversations with people in these groups to build your business.

Your Profile

Your LinkedIn profile is like a resume but much more powerful than that. The LinkedIn profile is a great way to position yourself as an expert and share your experiences. You can fill out past jobs and descriptions but also be sure to add your “Summary.” The summary is a paragraph that appears just below your bulleted work experience, but above your longer descriptions of each job. This summary is where you share you best skills and areas of expertise. Use this area to sell yourself and the GDI opportunity. You can even share links in the summary. Treat it as a couple of paragraphs where you need to convince someone to get on board with you and your GDI business.

Personal Updates

When you log into LinkedIn you will see a box with “Share an Update,” this allows you to share any news, new opportunities or links to your site, much like Twitter. This differs from Twitter in that your audience is targeted to your business contacts. Use this when you post a new blog or even as call to action for people who may be interested in the GDI opportunity.

Like most social media outlets, the possibilities with LinkedIn are endless, so get on there and start exploring.

Tips for Building Your Network and Downline with the Right People

Building your network is vital to any business. If you want to succeed on your own, you need to build your connections. This is truly important with GDI because you don’t want just anyone in your downline. You want someone who will put in the work to be successful too. But how do you guarantee that you’re building your network and downline with quality people? Read on for some tips to getting connected to the right people who will take the opportunity seriously and put in the effort needed.

People Like You

The easiest way to figure out what kind of person might be a great GDI member and downline, is to ask yourself what drew you to the opportunity and what qualities you have that make you successful. As you answer these questions, there is no doubt that some people you already know will come to mind. These people may think the same way about business as you or just have the drive to succeed. Invite them to become a GDI member. Be sure to explain the opportunity clearly and get their thoughts and insights on the opportunity to build Income for Life. Once you get some feedback, this will help you think of more people and personality types who might be interested in GDI.


LinkedIn is a great professional resource and fast growing social network, and not just for people looking for a 9-5 job. Use LinkedIn to search for people with the same business interests as you. You can search “network marketing” and get lots of results of people you might have some shared connections with. LinkedIn allows you to ask your current connections for an introduction to new people you would like to build a business relationship with.

LinkedIn also allows you to share short status updates on your profile that can be subscribed to much like Twitter, excerpt with a more specific audience. So make sure your profile is up to date and post some status updates, you never know who might be looking for you! Get creative with your search terms and just browse around. Visit LinkedIn to get started.

Anyone on Hard Times

It’s no secret that the economy is still on hard times. Lucky for you, times like these are great for fostering the entrepreneurial spirit and taking your career and life into your own hands. Think of people you already know who are out of work or could benefit from GDI. Explain to them the amazing opportunity and chance to change their life and income despite their circumstances. It’s a great time to be a GDI member and control your own income.

SEO Tips for Your GDI Sites

S-E-O are three letters we hear all the time when talking about websites, but what do they mean? How do I do it for my site? First off, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Search Engine Optimization basically means increasing the chances of your site coming up in search engines with the help of best practices. Read on for some of these best practices for your GDI Sites. These tips can apply specifically to WordPress sites or be tweaked for your site created using whichever platform you like.


When adding your first post to a WordPress site and after you have added text to the title box, you will see an option below it with your posts permalink. This is a link that will always take you directly to this post. There is a button to the permalink that labeled “change permalinks.” Click it. When you click this button it gives you the option to choose how your permalinks are displayed. For search engine optimization (SEO) reasons, you do not want your post permalink to be This will hinder search engines from finding the post. You should select any option you like where your title will show in the permalink such as You can also access the permalinks options in Settings>Permalinks.

SEO Plugins

We went over the benefits of plugins in this post, and shared that there are plugins for nearly everything you need. Well, SEO is no exception. You can search in the plugin database for SEO tools or Google “Popular WordPress SEO tools” to see some great options with user reviews. Plugins like the All in One SEO Pack have a ton of customizable options for someone who wants to take the time to optimize each post in every way. For more hands off approach, try something like SEO Smart Links that will automatically link posts with in your blog when relevant keywords are used. The more links you have to your site and within your site, the better your SEO.

Tags for SEO, Categories for Navigation

You will notice that each blog post allows you to add tags and categories. Tags are great for SEO. You want your tags to be keywords that are used often though out the post and that are great for SEO and keyword searches. Rank possible keywords against each other with the help of Google’s Keyword tool to ensure your chosen tags is popular search term. You want your keywords to be words and phrases that are searched often.

Categories are helpful for when you do get visitors from search engines. Categories should be basic descriptors for posts that can be used over and over. A category like “advice” will help someone navigate your page and keep all posts that fall into that category in one easy to navigate page.

Social Bookmarking Sites

Social Bookmarking sites are used to manage, favorite and share sites and content. These sites are also used to be directed to content you may like, based on the categories you select when signing up. As such, these sites are great to share your own content, in the hopes that someone else might see it when browsing their suggested sites and links. Sites like Digg, Delicious and even Pinterest allow you to share content and allow other users to find it based on topics they have an interest in. People can come across you blog post as they browse category content and when they click for the full post they will be brought to your site. Social Bookmarking can both drive traffic to your site, and increase your SEO with inbound links.

This is hardly a full list of SEO tips, so stay posted to the blog for more. Share some of your tips in the comments!

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