How Do You Measure Success?

What is your measure of success with GDI? We share a few ways to help measure if you’re moving forward, business practices to keep and what to change.

Hit Logs

This is a crucial tool that is available to our Premium and basic users. Hit logs provide valuable information about the people visiting your site to help you better understand your traffic and your site’s effectiveness. While both Premium and basic users have access to hit logs from the Members Area, Premium users get much more detail with their hit logs. Check out your hit logs to see patterns in people visiting your site and how successful certain campaigns are. Then compare these numbers to your sign up numbers. If you’ve got a good amount of traffic and few sign ups, maybe there is something that needs to be changed on your site.


While sign ups are the direct way to make money with GDI, dialogue is one way to get you to these sign ups. What do we mean by dialogue? Specifically creating a dialogue a with anyone and very interested in GDI and network marketing. Have a good dialogue with your team members to ensure they are successful. Start conversations and answers questions of those people who aren’t on your team to establish yourself as a thought leader and dependable source for GDI information and experience. The more people you have dialogue with, the more touch points you have out and the better chance for sign ups down the line.

Sign Ups

Sign ups are the true sign of success with GDI. But try to go further with your sign ups and do a little research into why people are signing up and what made them join with you versus someone else. This information can help you streamline and target your marketing for your next signup.

Brand Your Business

With those of us in the United States celebrating Thanksgiving tomorrow and Black Friday the next day, chances are you have been subject to much branding in the recent weeks. With stores fighting for your business for your Thanksgiving groceries or your Black Friday gifts, companies have worked hard to advertises and brand themselves to show you, the customer just how they are different and why you should shop with them.

This is a great tactic to think about over the holiday and take into your network marketing business.

How have the big stores pulled you in?

Was there a tactic or a message they shared with you?

How can this relate to your product?

Instead of ignoring the ads and commercials, pay attention to them and see what they do to bring you in. Next apply that to your business.

Happy Thanksgiving from GDI!!

Products and Purchasing FAQs

  • Is anything else included in the $10 monthly fee?
    Yes: Lots of options! Your $10 monthly fee covers not only your .WS “WebSite” domain name, but everything needed to make full use of it. You can use our hosting services, forward your domain to another location, leave it parked with a simple construction screen, or use our simple SiteBuilder tool to help you design a great WebSite in minutes. All these options include email services. Of course, you always have the option of using your own hosting company as well!

  • What forms of payment can I use?
    You may use PayPal or any of the following major credit cards: American Express, Discover, JCB, MasterCard, or Visa. You may also use debit cards tied to a checking or savings account.

  • Do you offer any other products?
    We offer the following products at an additional cost. Note: Shipping and handling is not included in the listed prices:

    Leads packages:
    10 Phone verified leads $30.00
    50 Phone verified leads $150.00
    100 Phone verified leads $300.00
    DVD Packages:
    3-DVD Package $8.85
    10-DVD Package $29.50
    DVD and Lead Packages:
    3-DVDs & 3 Phone verified leads $17.85
    10-DVDs & 10 Phone verified leads $59.50
    GDI Business Cards:
    1000 cards $49.95
    2500 cards $79.00
    5000 cards $129.00
    10,000 cards $229.00
    15,000 cards $329.00
    20,000 cards $429.00
    25,000 cards $529.00
    50,000 cards $995.00
    100,000 cards $1,975.00
  • I selected to change my billing plan type. When will the change take effect?
    Changes to a domain’s billing plan will take effect upon completion of the respective domain’s current Paid Through date.

  • I changed my mind and no longer wish to change my billing plan type. How can I undo a change I submitted?
    Simply use the Change Plan link set the billing type back to the “current” plan type.

Don’t forget to attend tomorrow’s webinar at 1pm PST, November 22nd!

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