Four Reasons People Quit and How to Avoid Them

Cost and Product Purchasing

In many network marketing opportunities, cost to start and stay with a program is a huge factor. Many programs require you to purchase costly products and then sell them in order to make any profit, or just break even. But with GDI, this is not an issue. At just $10 per month, GDI is affordable for anyone. If someone is looking to quit, remind them what a small investment GDI is to start building Income for Life.

Unsure What to Do

People may decide to quit network marketing when they aren’t sure what they need to be doing or how to grow their business. This is easily avoidable by being a good and responsive sponsor and upline. Your team members should not feel lost or unsure where to get answers, it is your job to guide them and educate them. Keep them on your team by being a great sponsor and an even better mentor.

Not Getting Rich Quick

Network marketing is a chance to build your business and be your own boss on your own time. It is not a get rich quick scheme. Your team members need to know this when they sign up. To ensure people don’t get frustrated and quit when they don’t get rich right away, let them know that it takes time to build a business and see a return. Teach patience to your team members.

Joined for the Wrong Reasons

Team members may look to quit simply because the got into the wrong business or joined GDI for the wrong reasons. To avoid this, get to know each person before you sign them up. Ask potential team members questions and educate them to ensure they are joining GDI for the right reasons and are ready to be part of a team and work hard.

Tips for Affiliate Marketing Beginners

Here are four quick tips for our beginners to help you build Income for Life.

Be a People Person

Affiliate marketing, network marketing, whatever you call it, it’s all about people. When you start with GDI you shouldn’t be looking to just put whoever in your downline, you should be consciously building a strong team. The difference is that a team will work to help each member succeed and keep the success going. To build a team you need to be a people person. This means really connect with the people you want to add to your team and get to know them.  As you take the time to talk with potential team members you will quickly learn who is in it for the long haul or who might quit after one month. Build your team with people interested in being successful together and staying with GDI.

Expand Your Network

Many beginners with GDI often turn to their friends and their family first to sign them up. While this may work for some people, this can often backfire. Don’t attack your friends and family with the opportunity. These people will always be there, and if they do show interest, work with them, but there’s no need to brow beat your friends and family with the opportunity. If you don’t get immediate excitement from your close circle, it’s OK, move one.

You need to step a bit out of your comfort zone to build new networks and get connected with others. Reach out to old coworkers, local small business owners and entrepreneurs. They might be interested in GDI and they might put you in contact with people in their network. Don’t leave GDI just because mom and dad don’t want to sign up, branch out and tap into huge numbers of people.

Schedule Yourself

Many people begin working with GDI and building Income for Life while they are still employed. GDI can be a great source of “extra” income, but be sure to schedule time to build your business of you will never see this income. Set aside time each day or week specifically for GDI to build your business and network. GDI can be done anytime, just make the time for it!

Be Patient

This is a tip we often hear from very successful affiliates: be patient. These affiliates often say that if they had given up in their first week, month or even year when things got hard, they wouldn’t be as successful as they are today. You may start off slow or have slow weeks, but be patient, stick with it and get creative. Just $10 is one of the smallest investments in a business you can make, stick with it and work hard and you’ll start to see results.

What Does Your Site Offer?

What does your site offer? It’s a simple question, but can you answer it? What your site offers is key to who you attract, what kind of traffic you get and the potential for leads and return visitors. If you’re looking for any of this it’s important that your site offers something for its visitors. If you’re looking for more traffic or sign ups, your website has to offer visitors a reason to stay and return to your site.

Think of what brings you to sites, what you have specific knowledge on or just what you want to share. This can be videos, educational content or support for potential GDI members. Your website needs to be more than a site, it needs to offer value to attract visitors and keep them coming. Now ask yourself, “What does my site offer?” If you can’t think of an answer to this question and you want more traffic, it’s time for a site overhaul. Give visitors value and they will keep coming back.

So, tell us! What does your site offer to visitors?

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