Category Archives: Opportunity

FAQ: Products and Services or the Income Opportunity?

A question we often hear at GDI is “What should I market, the product or the opportunity?” The short answer is that this is something you have to decide for yourself. But top help you decide we’ve included some tips below.

How well do you understand GDI’s product and services?

All of our members should understand the website hosting and email that GDI offers and better yet take advantage of it. But since we know this may not be the case for everyone, decide where you fall. Do you use a replicated site and have no interest in hosting? Well then you are someone who should be advertising the opportunity. It doesn’t make sense to try to explain and sell someone on something you aren’t using yourself.

If you are someone who takes advantage of GDI website hosting and know every in and out of the product, you are someone who should be selling the product. If you love the product people will be able to see that and want to get on board with it.

What kind of people do you work best with?

Do you work best with people who get really excited about a new idea or offering, or do you prefer to work with people who take a more analytical approach. A lot of this can be based on your own experience and is in no way a scientific fact, but try to take personality types into account when trying to get someone into your downline.

Someone who is very excitable and good at getting others excited, could be very good at selling the opportunity, and this is someone you may want to work with if you feel the same. Someone who takes a more calculated look at things may need a little more of a push could really benefit from being sold the product and explained the virtues of it in combination with the opportunity. Try to figure out the kind of people you want in your downline and it will help you decide what you should be selling.

What is your selling style?

Your selling style is a combination of the answers to the two questions. Try to mix your personality with what you know and you will be able to see what you are better at selling.

How about both?

You can follow the steps above to stick with selling either the product or the opportunity, or you could do both. Don’t limit yourself on only trying to sell one aspect of GDI, you have multiple selling points at your finger tips, so use this to your advantage. Get educated on the product, refine your pitch and decide what you want to sell on a person to person basis.

Marketing the Right Way

There is quite a difference between marketing and selling. There is a reason why the GDI opportunity if part of affiliate marketing and not affiliate selling. Sales and selling refer to getting customers to buy a certain product, whatever it might be. Marketing is the process of finding that right product, price and placement to ensure it meets the needs of the customer. As you share your GDI opportunity, you should be marketing not selling. Here’s how:

The opportunity and domain that GDI offers can be tailored many different ways to meet the needs of each potential new team member. As you approach people with the opportunity, don’t think about how their joining GDI will benefit you, but how it can benefit them. You need to find out the needs and wants of a potential team member to decide how best to present the opportunity. This is marketing.

Learn what someone might be most interested in and then market the opportunity to them in that sense. Is someone looking simply for another income source? Market the affiliate program. Is this person in need of a site for their business? Market the domain and site building services.

Remember, when you solely look to get someone to join your team for your benefit, you are selling. When you look for someone to join your team for their benefit as well as yours, you are marketing. Always market to build a successful and happy team.

GDI Bonuses: The Leaderboard

The Leaderboard is where you can find some of GDI’s top performers each week. Those who make the Leader Board get recognition, credibility and of course a bonus. Do you want to make the Leader Board? Here’s how:


The Leaderboards are made up of people in the lead for the current weekly bonus contest. For every five new accounts signed up by an affiliate during the indicated date range, these leaders potentially receive $100. But, this is to be used as a guide to see how top affiliates are performing. The amounts shown are not guaranteed. These Leaderboards are updated in real-time, so expect to see the amounts change. Only new signups that convert to paying customers on our first charge attempt on their 7th day when their free trial ends will be counted towards bonuses.

What this all means is that for you to make the Leaderboard and collect your bonus, you must sign up five new accounts during a one week date range. These accounts must convert to paying customers. For each five new accounts you sign up, you are eligible for a $100 bonus.