Category Archives: Marketing

SEO Tips for Your .ws

S-E-O are three letters we hear all the time when talking about websites, but what do they mean? How do I do it for my site? First off, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Search Engine Optimization basically means increasing the chances of your site coming up in search engines with the help of best practices. Read on for some of these best practices for your GDI Sites. These tips can apply specifically to WordPress sites or be tweaked for your site created using whichever platform you like.


When adding your first post to a WordPress site and after you have added text to the title box, you will see an option below it with your posts permalink. This is a link that will always take you directly to this post. There is a button to the permalink that labeled “change permalinks.” Click it. When you click this button it gives you the option to choose how your permalinks are displayed. For search engine optimization (SEO) reasons, you do not want your post permalink to be This will hinder search engines from finding the post. You should select any option you like where your title will show in the permalink such as You can also access the permalinks options in Settings>Permalinks.

SEO Plugins

We went over the benefits of plugins in this post, and shared that there are plugins for nearly everything you need. Well, SEO is no exception. You can search in the plugin database for SEO tools or Google “Popular WordPress SEO tools” to see some great options with user reviews. Plugins like the All in One SEO Pack have a ton of customizable options for someone who wants to take the time to optimize each post in every way. For more hands off approach, try something like SEO Smart Links that will automatically link posts with in your blog when relevant keywords are used. The more links you have to your site and within your site, the better your SEO.

Tags for SEO, Categories for Navigation

You will notice that each blog post allows you to add tags and categories. Tags are great for SEO. You want your tags to be keywords that are used often though out the post and that are great for SEO and keyword searches. Rank possible keywords against each other with the help of Google’s Keyword tool to ensure your chosen tags is popular search term. You want your keywords to be words and phrases that are searched often.

Categories are helpful for when you do get visitors from search engines. Categories should be basic descriptors for posts that can be used over and over. A category like “advice” will help someone navigate your page and keep all posts that fall into that category in one easy to navigate page.

Duplication to Build Your Team

Duplication is a great system to build your team quickly. You may be wondering what duplication is and ways to use it other than team building, you can find our first post on it here. Duplication is simply a way of creating a system of marketing, education and networking that can be easily repeated to add members to your downline, and allow them to use this same system to add members to their downline. Building an educated team is the best use of the duplication system.

Create Your Own System

This may sound overwhelming, but it’s not. As you already know, GDI provides you all the tools you need to market and does much of the work for you, but it’s up to you to put in the extra work and effort to ensure your business succeeds. This may be creating videos, offering help to members outside of your team and just acting as a thought leader in network marketing. Try all of these steps to build your credibility, but to also convert friends and prospects to team members. Once you have found a system that works to build your downline, simplify it.

Share Your System

Once you have simplified your system, create a document or even a website that shares how you have succeeded. Share this document or website with your team members, allowing them to capitalize on your success and build their downline, in turn helping you. Their downline will learn the tricks of the trade and before you know it, you’re practicing duplication and your downline is growing thanks to your system and your team.

Super Bowl of Marketing

We’ve got affiliates all over the world, but this weekend is an important one for many sports fans in the US. It’s Super Bowl Sunday this weekend, and while it may seem like it’s all about [American] football, there are many marketing lessons to be learned from the hype for the big game and the commercials. We share three marketing tactics that have been used in the weeks leading up to the Super Bowl and will surely be seen again on Sunday.

Create Buzz

The Super Bowl hasn’t even happened yet, but many people are already placing bets on what will be the best commercial. This is because many companies have been working for the past month to tease their products and leak commercials to create buzz leading people to want to learn more. This is something you can do in network marketing too. Though you don’t have the budget for these blockbuster commercials, you do have the internet, social media and your own website right at your finger tips. Create buzz with short emails about your new videos for GDI. Create buzz with videos on your website inviting people to learn more about your business. Don’t wait until you’ve finished your site completely or edited your video totally to tell people about it, share beforehand what people can expect and keep them interested while you work behind the scenes.

Let People Know Where to Find You

It’s impossible to see a commercial these days that doesn’t end with a website and their Facebook and Twitter account information. These companies want to make it as easy as possible for you to learn more and stay engaged. Use this tactic with your business, make sure everyone who comes to you site, sees your video, or stumbles onto your Twitter knows exactly how to contact you and where to learn more.

Invite Conversation

Before the Big Game, you already know some of the commercials will be playing and who will be performing in between plays. This kind of information invites conversation. Conversation is another way to get people engaged, even those who don’t care about American football. Companies know that conversations are powerful and that word of mouth marketing can’t be beat. So share information and ask questions on your social media sites that will start conversation and get people talking about your business.