Category Archives: Marketing

Keywords, SEO and Your WebSite

Content is great. Content is powerful. But what good is great content if no one can find it? That’s why you need to go a step beyond creating great posts and videos for your blog and WebSite and into the world of keywords, SEO, backlinks, and sharing. These words and phrases can seem a bit overwhelming, but each is just a simple tool or tricks to help get eyes to your website. We break down how you can take advantage of each one of these to drive more traffic to your site and in turn at more team members.


SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Search Engine Optimization basically means increasing the chances of your site coming up in search engines with the help of best practices. What are best practices? They can be taking advantage keywords, backlinks and other ways to bump you WebSite in search rankings that are explained in this series.


Keywords are those words within your content that relates the topic of your site and what should be most relevant to visitors. Before you can start using keywords throughout your content, you need to identify which keywords apply to you and which ones you want to use to drive people to your website. You can do this by asking yourself what kind of content you regularly cover on your site and what kind of visitors you like. Select keywords that represent both of these and be sure to include them throughout your text. WordPress offers some keyword plugins to ensure you’re using them properly and effectively. Simply search “keyword tool” in the Add New plugins section of your blog.

Interested in Affiliate Marketing?

Why did you consider affiliate marketing? To make money, right? Well there’s a lot more to it than that. Affiliate programs and affiliate marketing can help to give you freedom, extra income and a way to take ownership of your future. We break down three reasons affiliate marketing might be right for you.


Affiliate programs, especially those available online like GDI give you freedom that you just can’t get from your 9-5 job. Affiliate programs allow you to work and network at times that work for you. Whether you have a few extra hours a week or are looking to put full time effort into an affiliate program, you can find one that works for you. There also no set time frame that you must work on building your team. So even if you’re a night owl or a morning person, you will be able to connect with other affiliates like you and work on your own schedule.


If you’re saving for your future or just a rainy day, working to make extra money with an affiliate program can ideally help to provide some financial security. While there are no guarantees to how much money you will make with a program, hard work with the right affiliate opportunity offering can pay off. Building income with an affiliate program outside of your full time job can help to provide security and savings for the future.


While affiliate programs are part of a larger company, they allow you a unique opportunity at ownership of something. You decide how much money you make and how much to work with an affiliate program, essentially giving you ownership. Affiliate programs let you make the marketing decisions, hours and set the goals each day, week, month and year. Where else will you find freedom, security and ownership without a big investment?

To learn how to know which affiliate program is right for you, check out this post.

Did we miss a reason to try affiliate marketing? Leave it in the comments below!