Category Archives: Marketing

Create Your Brand

There are thousands of people interested in and involved with GDI. This means there are a lot of people out there to work with, but you need to stand out. One powerful way to stand out is to create and market your own brand. This doesn’t mean you have to sink money into advertising, it means taking the steps to find your brand voice, share it, and encourage others to do so.

Here’s how to do it:

Find Your Voice

When you talk to prospective downline members or post on your WebSite are you authoritative or friendly? Warm or straight forward? Big picture or right now? These are all styles of presenting information that create your voice. Finding the voice that fits you is step one. Go through your past posts and emails and see how you communicate or ask a friend or family member what they think your communication style is. Is your style effective? Do people respond to it? If you answered yes, then go on to step two. If you answered no, it’s time to find a voice that engages people and shares information effectively.

Stay Consistent Across All Mediums

This is step two. Use this newly indentified brand voice through all communications including video, email, blog posts and the like. People will remember your voice and associate it with your brand. You’ll attract people who respond to your unique brand voice, helping to build your team with like minded people.

Empower Your Team

Name your brand to give it more power. Think of a name for your team or you as a sponsor. Consider creating a logo. Build a team you a strong team and use your logo and name. Team members will be happy to share it. People want to be part of something successful, so give them a name to put to your team and empower them to share it. Have team members join a branded Facebook group, share their success stories on social media, or add your team logo to the website. Empower others to get the most out of your team and your brand.

Traditional Marketing Tips to Apply to Your Affiliate Program

Use Social Bookmarking Sites

As you may have noticed, beneath each post on this blog there area a few counters and logos for sites. The Affiliate Blog uses the Share This tool to easily let any of our readers share our blog posts easily on Facebook, Twitter, through email or through social bookmarking sites. If you aren’t familiar with social bookmarking sites, they are a lot like their name implies. Social bookmarking sites allow you to create an account and profile so that you can favorite or bookmark any links you want, these favorite links then become part of the profile you have created with these sites, and people can browse your profile for links. Your favorite links are also shared in a feed for anyone one to stumble upon. You can use social bookmarking sites to bookmark your own important blog posts and encourage your visitors to do so too. This is great for SEO and just sharing your site in every way possible.

Create Content Ahead of Time

As we’ve shared in past posts, a great way to increase SEO and your visitor base is to ensure you always have fresh content. It’s easy to get overwhelmed when you visit your website and realize you need to update it and write something right NOW. But instead of getting in moments of panic, create content ahead of time and create a schedule. If you have WordPress you can even schedule your posts to be published on specific dates in the future. You site is going to look more viable when your content is new and relevant to your readers.

Explain Things Simply

The GDI opportunity may be simple to you, but remember that people visiting your site might not quite understand it yet and need a little guidance. This is where it is OK to be very simple and straight forward in your writing. Explain the GDI opportunity to your site visitors and why it is important to them. Be clear and concise to help answer some of their first questions. Bullet points, images and personal success stories can help to make your point as well. The better you explain the opportunity and benefits, the better chances you have to succeed with GDI.

Encourage Engagement with Blog Posts

Blogs are a powerful way to connect with your audience, share your story, and build a brand. That’s why GDI offers a WordPress plugin as well as a blog plugin for our SiteBuilder service. Once you’re set up with the plugin of your choice, it’s time to think about how you want to blog. Here a three ways to create content that encourages engagement from your visitors.

Don’t Repeat Yourself

Think of the message you want your blog posts to convey before you write them. If you’re writing posts to encourage people to join GDI, think of new ways to write this call to action. Simple repeating posts that tell people to “sign up today!” defeats the purpose of a blog; blogs are a vehicle for fresh content. Create a new way to frame your messages with each post to keep visitors interested.

Connect to the News around You

One way to avoid repeating yourself is to follow the news. You can set up Google alerts for news related to your blog topic. Use these news stories to connect your blog posts and keep them relevant. This is also great for SEO as topics in the news are sure to be hot search topics for some time.

Switch Up Content

This tip helps your blog visitors as well as you. Switch up the type of content you’re sharing on your blog. This means taking advantage of all you can share from videos, to lists posts, to articles and blogs you like (attributed, of course). This will keep visitors engaged and will help you to avoid blog writers block!

What advice for blogging do you always try to follow? Do you use WordPress or our SiteBuilder blog?