Category Archives: Marketing

Three Reasons to Become a Part of GDI

The main reason people get started with Global Domains International  is to make some money and generate Income for Life. While this seems like a “no brainer” reason, there are many other great reasons to get started with GDI, like networking, creating your own business and being your own boss. We asked our affiliates on Twitter what their reason was for joining GDI and we got quite a few answers back. Read on for some top answers and our explanations behind them.

Meet People

While you may have some people you already know interested in GDI, it is a great opportunity to meet and connect with new people interested in making money with GDI. With GDI you can connect with many people through, our Facebook page, Twitter and more. While building your business with GDI you can meet new people and work towards creating successful business relationships with them as well as sharing advices and tips.

Great value

How many businesses do you know that take just $10 to get started? Not many! That’s why GDI is unique, with just $10 per month you can start to build income for life. Not only is GDI a low cost way to start your own business, but it’s easy to use and understand. We offer you your own domain name and the tools to create your website and your business. A great value and easy for sure.

Create a Future

We’ve talked recently how GDI is a great way to build income for your future, whatever that may be. If you’re just started out in the business world or headed towards retirement, GDI is a great way to create Income for Life which can help fund your future. Getting started with GDI is easy and if you work hard and don’t give up the possibilities for income and for your future are endless.


Four Ways to Manage Your Online Reputation

Your online reputation plays a big role in building your business. Learn four ways to manage it.

1. Take the lead. Instead of waiting for others to talk about you, give them something to talk about. Share your success on your website and blog. Post your Virtual ID Card on your website so other can see your success. Create videos and blogs that are helpful and share your message before someone shares it for you.

2. Respond quickly and thoughtfully. When downline members or prospects have questions, you’re on the clock. You need to answer and assist people quickly and thoughtfully. Each moment you wait to help someone who needs it, your reputation takes a hit.

3. Manage bad feedback. Unpleasant feedback is almost inevitable, but it can quickly be resolved with some effort on your part. If a downline member is unhappy, or a prospect sours, take the time to address their issues. Respect their opinions and work to find a solution. If you just write them off, your reparation could suffer as a result.

4. Play to your strengths. You don’t have to be the best at everything to have a good online presence and reputation. If video is your comfort zone, put your effort into making great YouTube videos and save blogging for someone else. Work on creating content your love and working with services you understand. It’s better to have one quality output than multiple not so great offerings.

Successful Marketing: Understanding Your Product

marketingIf you’re an affiliate of GDI looking to earn income, chances are you will have to do a little marketing. Don’t be intimidated if you don’t have a background in marketing. You probably market yourself everyday, whether it’s for a raise at work, negotiating with a teacher or simply making plans with a busy person. You’re marketing yourself in each interaction. Part of the reason this is second nature is that you know a lot about yourself. So to make marketing a product easier, it makes sense to know all you can about it. Here are a few tips to learn your product inside and out and market it with ease.

What is it?

What exactly are you marketing? This may seem like a silly question, but do you know? Are you marketing the domain offering, the services that come with it, or the income opportunity? Or are you marketing all three? Take the time to learn abut GDI’s offerings and know them inside and out. The more you know about the products and services, the better you will be able to tailor your marketing pitch to each prospect. Start by watching our short Products and Services video to learn more.

What does it do?

So now you know exactly what GDI has to offer, but what can it do for someone? Get a deeper understanding of the products and services by brainstorming all the ways they can be utilized. The more ways you can think up to utilize GDI’s products and services, the more ways you can market them.

Who needs it?

Now that you’ve answered the first two questions, it’s time to think about your audience. Not just anyone, but your target audience. Who would benefit most from GDI? Who would work hardest to build their business? Identify your ideal audience then go find them! What kind of online behaviors do these people have? What sites are they most likely to visit? When you know who you’re marketing to, you can build more effective the messaging.