Category Archives: Affiliate

Why Did You Join?

Join GDIWhy did you join GDI? Knowing this answer will help you build the business and experience with GDI that you want. Here are a few reasons for joining that affiliates have shared with us.

Building a Team and Income

GDI’s Income for Life is all about building a downline which is really a team or network of people with a common goal and interests. While you may have some people you already know interested in GDI, it’s a great opportunity to meet and connect with new people interested in making money with GDI. With GDI you can connect with many people through, our Facebook page, Twitter and more. While building your business with GDI you can meet new people and work towards creating successful business relationships with them as well as sharing advices and tips.

Ease of Use and Value

How many businesses do you know that take just $10 to get started? Not many! That’s why GDI is unique, with just $10 per month you can start to build Income for Life. Not only is GDI a low cost way to start your own business, but it’s easy to use and understand. We offer you your own domain name and the tools to create your website and your business.

Build Your Future

We’ve talked in the past about how GDI is a great way to build income for your future, whatever that may be. If you’ve just started out in the business world or headed towards retirement, GDI is a great way to create Income for Life that can help fund your future. Getting started with GDI is easy and if you work hard and don’t give up the possibilities for income and for your future are endless.

Beginner Questions: Promote the Product or Affiliate Program?

affiliate programAre you a beginner and unsure what to do next to build income? First, you must identify what you want to promote: the affiliate income opportunity or GDI’s products. Here are a few steps to help you answer this question.

How well do you understand GDI’s product and services?

All of our members should understand the website hosting and email that GDI offers and better yet take advantage of it. But since we know this may not be the case for everyone, decide where you fall. Do you use a replicated site and have no interest in hosting? Well then you are someone who should be advertising the opportunity. It doesn’t make sense to try to explain and sell someone on something you aren’t using yourself.

If you are someone who takes advantage of GDI website hosting and know every in and out of the product, you are someone who should be selling the product. If you love the product people will be able to see that and want to get on board with it.

What kind of people do you work best with?

Do you work best with people who get really excited about a new idea or offering, or do you prefer to work with people who take a more analytical approach. A lot of this can be based on your own experience and is in no way a scientific fact, but try to take personality types into account when trying to get someone into your downline.

Someone who is very excitable and good at getting others excited, could be very good at selling the opportunity, and this is someone you may want to work with if you feel the same. Someone who takes a more calculated look at things may need a little more of a push could really benefit from being sold the product and explained the virtues of it in combination with the opportunity. Try to figure out the kind of people you want in your downline and it will help you decide what you should be selling.

What is your presentation style?

Your presentation style is a combination of the answers to the two questions. Try to mix your personality with what you know and you will be able to see what you are better at selling.

How about both?

You can follow the steps above to stick with selling either the product or the opportunity, or you could do both. Don’t limit yourself on only trying to sell one aspect of GDI, you have multiple selling points at your fingertips, so use this to your advantage. Get educated on the product, refine your pitch and decide what you want to sell on a person to person basis.

What’s Your Affiliate Presentation?

Thanks to affiliate and Facebook fan, Medicane P. for requesting this topic.

There is no formal presentation for promoting GDI. There’s no script to follow or specific words you have to say. When we talk about your presentation, we are talking more about your preparation. Think of each time your present GDI like a job interview. You don’t want to read off a script or run over your audience, but you do want to be prepared. In addition, you know there are specific points you want to discuss and find a way to fit them into your conversation. To get comfortable with this way of presenting, you need to prepare. Here are a few tips to prepare for your next presentation.

Know Your Options

GDI has many offerings to support affiliates. Be sure you know all about our products and services from our SiteBuilder and WordPress plugin to the Marketing Kit, 7 Minute Movie, Bonuses and Virtual ID Card. The more you know about GDI, the easier it is to tailor your presentation. What do you like best about GDI? Learn as much as you can about that and let it be the cornerstone of your presentation. People can sense when you’re genuinely excited about something, so lead with whichever product, service, or bonus you are most excited about.

Know Your Audience

Just like you need to know GDI well, you need to know your audience even better. Who are you meeting with and what are their interests? Knowing who you are presenting to makes a huge difference. When you can relate to you audience, it’s easier to find a common goal or reason to join GDI.

Allow for Flexibility

Preparing for your GDI presentation gives you a sense of comfort that allows you to be flexible. When you know your audience and your material it’s easy to go off script and be yourself when promoting your business. Take the time to prepare, and then go with the flow.

What are your presentation tips?