Tag Archives: WordPress

Building Your Website for Beginners

Your .ws domain is a great opportunity to showcase your business and yourself by building your own website. Building your website doesn’t have to be hard and we offer two options to help you along. Find out which option works best for you and watch the tutorial video to help you get started.

Try SiteBuilder

If your .ws site is your first ever website, try using our SiteBuilder. The SiteBuilder has some very easy to use templates to get you started. SiteBuilder templates allow you to personalize them in a number of ways allowing you to add photos, contact forms and more. For a basic website or your very first site, SiteBuilder is the perfect choice.

Try WordPress

To be able to make an even more personalized website, try our WordPress offering. WordPress requires just a bit more website knowledge than SiteBuilder, but offers a ton of options. The benefits of our WordPress offering definitely make up for taking your time to learn a little more about creating a website. With WordPress you can use link your site with social media accounts, add plug-ins and widgets and have access to some great customizable themes. We have even more videos than the one below on WordPress. Check our tutorials section in the Members Area for more WordPress how-to’s.

Tips for a “Clean” .ws Site

Chances are you’ve got a lot to share on your website and the site tools and hosting that GDI offers you can do just that. But it’s easy to get so carried away with banners, text, and images that people visiting your site don’t know where to look or even what you’re offering. A site with a clean design and a clear message is best for converting visitors into customers, team members or just repeat traffic.

Avoid Competing Images and Text

Decide what you want your site visitors to focus and make that the center of your page. If you want to share video or a blog post, make that the center or close to center of your page. Then add in thing like banners, contact information and other links in smaller areas on your page. When there is too much competing content and images it’s easy for everything to get lost in the chaos.

Take Advantage of Pages

GDI’s SiteBuilder and our WordPress plugin make it easy for you to create and manage multiple pages. If you have a lot of information to share and can easily group it, pages are the way to go to make for a clean site. Pages can include testimonials, about, contact, videos and education. Multiple pages with great content also help to add credibility to your web page.

Stick to a Theme

SiteBuilder and WordPress offer some great themes that are customizable while creating a consistent look across your website. Choose a theme and stick to it across all of your pages. Themes are often designed to present a clean and professional website look so you can skip the extra work and work on creating great content. WordPress and SiteBuilder also allow you to customize themes as needed to make sure your site needs are met and presented in the best way possible, just don’t get carried away with too many widgets!

Selling the Product

We’ve shared that there are many ways you can benefit from being a GDI member. First off, you can be a member just to use our great products and hosting to brand yourself with your own domain and emails. If you’re a big fan of the products, marketing them for income for yourself is a no brainer. Why not share your love for GDI and make some money in the process. Then, maybe you don’t want to use to products but just want to make Income for Life, well then you can simply market the GDI opportunity. But if you’ve decided you definitely want to actively market GDI, for whatever, check out our post that will help you decide which part of GDI you want to market: The Product of the Opportunity.


GDI offers all of our services: domain address, hosting and email addresses for just $10 per month. This is a great deal in itself, but GDI also offers some great add-ons like SiteBuilder, WordPress, photo galleries and message boards. Combine that with GDI’s offerings to our members like www.talk.ws, www.gdiaffilaiteblog.ws and our weekly webinars and it is quite a deal with support like you won’t find anywhere else.

Ease of Use

The great services GDI offers are easy to use for people with all levels of website experience. If you’re a novice, try our simple to use, customizable SiteBuilder. People with more experience will love our WordPress add on and those who are pros can easily host their created website with GDI.


GDI is versatile for all users in the services we offer and how people can customize them. When selling the product, use this as a chance to highlight all of the services GDI has to offer and how it can apply to all levels.