Tag Archives: network marketing

GDI Bonuses: The Leaderboard

The Leaderboard is where you can find some of GDI’s top performers each week. Those who make the Leader Board get recognition, credibility and of course a bonus. Do you want to make the Leader Board? Here’s how:


The Leaderboards are made up of people in the lead for the current weekly bonus contest. For every five new accounts signed up by an affiliate during the indicated date range, these leaders potentially receive $100. But, this is to be used as a guide to see how top affiliates are performing. The amounts shown are not guaranteed. These Leaderboards are updated in real-time, so expect to see the amounts change. Only new signups that convert to paying customers on our first charge attempt on their 7th day when their free trial ends will be counted towards bonuses.

What this all means is that for you to make the Leaderboard and collect your bonus, you must sign up five new accounts during a one week date range. These accounts must convert to paying customers. For each five new accounts you sign up, you are eligible for a $100 bonus.

Three Beginner Mistakes

We want all of our affiliates to be successful with GDI, but like beginners to any business, mistakes will be made, slowing down success. Below you’ll find three common beginner mistakes and how you can fix them and be on your path to Income for Life.

Failure to Follow Up

Mistake: People you send your site to aren’t signing up and you’re just letting them go.

Solution: Sending the email sharing your site is not the first and the last step you take to sign up new team members. You need to follow up with each and every person you reach out to. First, simply ask if they did get to see your site. If not, ask them why. If someone did visit the site, find out why they are hesitant to join and try to fix that. Follow up, ask questions, and address issues.

Network marketing is about building that network, and to do so, you must follow up and not let people slip through your fingers.

Failure to Set Goals

Mistake: You hope to make money with GDI, but haven’t set any goals beyond that.

Solution: Set beginner goals, achievable goals and reach goals. Keep assessing and moving your goals. If you do not set goals, how can you be sure when you have been successful? As you just start out, set attainable goals and be sure to check them off as you reach them. As you get more familiar with GDI, keep pushing those goals further while still remembering all you have accomplished before.

Working from home is a great goal for network marketing and GDI, but be sure to set smaller goals to help you get there.

Failure to Reach Out

Mistake: You’re lost and don’t know where to start.

Solution: Reach out to your upline. GDI offers many resources for your questions including our support team, social media sites, and forums, but your upline should be your first life line. Your upline has more experience in GDI than you and can answer your questions. Reach out to them when you’re just starting out for advice and help, after all, they brought you onto GDI, it’s their duty to help you.

Network marketing success is based in your team and your network, so reach out to them!

What mistakes have you made building your business? How did you right them?

Getting Ahead as a New Affiliate Marketer

In many industries, the most successful people have been around for quite some time and for good reason. When one finds success in a business, it’s smart to stay and keep growing that success, which in turn attracts more business. This can be discouraging for anyone just starting out. Luckily as a GDI affiliate you don’t have to be the most experienced or with GDI the longest to build Income for Life. Take advantage of what you do well, whether it’s building relationships or building websites, to develop your business quickly as a beginner.

You Don’t Have to Be an Expert

There are many things you will learn about network marketing just from experience, so don’t worry about being an expert on everything right away. Instead take the time to focus on the relationships you build. Invest just as much time into your team and potential team members as you do into learning about GDI. Building and investing in relationships as you build your network with help people to feel comfortable with you and trust you. People will be more likely to do business with someone they trust.

Build Your Site

If you’re not the best with building personal relationships, you can still succeed with GDI. A well designed, functional site can make up for any issues you have relating to people. Let your site do the talking for you when it comes to building your team.

Take the time to create the best site possible based on your skill level. If you’ve never created any sort of site before, try out the GDI SiteBuilder. It offers great looking templates and can help you get a site up in no time. If you want a more customizable look, try our WordPress plugin. Though WordPress is most often used for blog you can build out your WordPress site to be just about anything you want depending on the theme, widgets and layout you use. We also offer hosting, giving you the ultimate power over what kind of site you create.

Create a Community

Don’t make communication a one way street. Encourage your downline to reach out to you and to each other. Opening these lines of communication can help people feel like they belong to a community, making them less likely to just walk away. Establish relationships across your team by creating groups on Facebook, and Google+ or even having a weekly email conversation or team webinar with everyone. Creating a community keeps people involved and investing in building Income for Life for all involved.