Tag Archives: affiliate

Marketing to Provide Value

Recently, we posted about affiliate marketing versus affiliate selling. GDI is an affiliate marketing opportunity, meaning that adding new team members is not about just getting rid of or selling a product, but connecting people with the right product, price, and opportunity for them. Affiliate marketing is about providing value to prospects and team members, not selling inventory. We share a few tips to ensure you’re providing value while working to build your team.


While the chance to generate income by referring people to GDI is enough to get many people excited, you need to go beyond that when sharing the opportunity. Start educating potential team members about GDI and how to be successful with GDI right away. This is a chance for you to provide value before someone even considers joining your team. This value means more educated team members and in turn more successful team members.

Don’t Sell

As we said in our previous post, don’t sell GDI, but market it. When you are in a “selling” mindset, you may end up with the wrong people and struggle to meet your goals. You do not want to sell to just anyone. You want to market the right product to the right people who can be an active member of your team. Market to people to ensure they are interested in GDI for the right reasons.


This tip came from our successful Tissa Godavitarne. He advised that when you are looking to grow your team, reach out to many people, but then take the time to qualify them. Get to know people before you add them to your downline to decide if they will be good for your team. Switch roles and instead of having potential team members study you and decide if they want to join, study them, get to know them, and then decide if they will be an effective part of your team.

I Don’t Want a Domain

As you market your opportunity and the GDI products, you will encounter people with many different needs. Some may want a domain and not be interested in the affiliate program, other may want their own personal email address, while others still may see no need for a domain at all. How do you market to these people? How do you get someone on board who does not see the power in having their own domain name? We share three tips.


The simplest response to someone who does not want their own domain is to explain the power of a personalized domain. A domain gives you the unique opportunity to brand yourself, your business and your future. At $10 per month, GDI gives people of all levels and abilities the opportunity to build their own website, have 10 personalized email addresses and maintain their own personalized domain. Whether it is on social media or email, people are advertising for other companies each time they access the internet. They are Facebook.com/BobSmith and bobsmith@yahoo.com. Why not take the opportunity to be bobsmith.ws and advertise YOU and build your own online experience. Having an online presence is extremely important and the more personalized, the better.

Affiliate Opportunity

GDI offers a great affiliate opportunity and some of our affiliates do not take advantage of the products, but solely the opportunity. Many people are interested in building their business and may or may not be interested in building a website themselves. Simply market GDI as the great affiliate opportunity it is and explain to people they don’t have build their website to build their team, but it will help them if they do.

Email Services

While someone may not be interested in a domain, email services are something we all need. GDI allows you a personalized email address unlike any other. Instead of BobSmith8765@gmail.com you can be Bob@Smith.ws giving the a great opportunity for branding whether you’re building your business or reaching out to others, your personalized email will stand out.

How to Build a Following on Twitter

Affiliate and network marketers have a great presence on Twitter. Affiliate marketing is a great match for social media and Twitter is no exception. If you haven’t gotten started with Twitter just yet, sign up and get connected with other marketers. Once you’re on Twitter, it’s time to get in the conversation and start building up a following to share your ideas and business with. Build your following with our tips.

Retweet Great Posts

The first step is to follow people you find interesting, admire, or just want to learn more from and then retweet their posts! Retweeting is great because it shares great info, gives the original poster credit and creates a sort of introduction. If someone is using a listening software like Tweetdeck, or they take the time to look in their Twitter account under “You tweets retweeted” they will see you shared their post and most likely tweet back to you and then follow you.

Ask Questions

Ask your followers questions to get them to interact with you. You will get feedback and an added bonus of exposure. When someone tweets back to you, it will show up in their timeline, so that their followers see that they are in a conversation with you. With any luck, their followers may check you out and follow you too if they are inline with your ideas and message.

Tweet Trending Topics

Tweeting trending topics is another way to get in on the conversation. Trending topics are those words and phrases you see on the left hand side of your Twitter homepage “trending topics.” Find a way to work some of these phrases into your tweets, so whenever anyone clicks on the keyword or phrase in the trending topics list, there is a chance your tweets will come up, allowing for more exposure for your account.

Share Great Media

Don’t just share tweets, but share media. This means upload photos of your business, screenshots of things you are working on and video. Reward people following you on Twitter with an inside look. You want to offer people something a little more for taking the time to follow you, so photos and even short videos are a great way to do this.

Create and Share Content

Lastly, let the Twitterverse know every time you’ve shared a blog or updated your site. Having a link in a Twitter update is always a great idea and gives people a call to action.