Tag Archives: affiliate

The Role of an Affiliate

The role of an affiliate is just one of the many possible roles you can have with GDI.

Signing up with GDI doesn’t mean you have to pursue our income opportunity. In fact, the choice is all yours for how you work with us. But if you choose to be an affiliate, we want to help you get started. One of the common questions after signing up with GDI is “What do I do? Where do I start?” While there are many different ways to be successful with GDI, we shared some basic principles of what should be included in an affiliate’s role to be a successful part of GDI.

Build Income for Life

The phrase “Income for Life” echoes a passion many of us have. It first makes one think of quitting their 9-5 and living off their network marketing fortune forever. But it’s not quite like that. GDI can help you create Income for Life, but it takes work. As we often say, if you want part time income from GDI put in part time work. If you want full time income, put in full time work. GDI offers a variety of marketing tools and tips, but if you want to create Income for Life, you need to have that passion to stick with you and network marketing for just as long.

Share Your Passion and Our Products

Just like that passion for GDI will help you stick with the work that can create Income for Life, that passion helps others to see what they can gain from joining GDI and working with your team. Passion for businesses like GDI is contagious, so all we ask is that you be passionate about your business and share with people just how passionate you are. So, it’s easy to be passionate about income, but what about our products?! What sets GDI apart from opportunities and domain registrars like it is easy access to the products and services you need to get going. GDI offers you everything from a quick start site creating tool, to your very own WordPress account already set up for you to use, to inviters to simply share emails about your new business opportunity with as many or as few of your contacts. So get to know our products by using them or learn more about them first here.


As you know, the GDI opportunity is considered network marketing, so networking is essential to building your business. Like many of our other tips, networking in this industry is not much different from networking in your standard 9-5, except a lot of it can be done on the internet. Do you research on sites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to find others interested in GDI or network marketing and start conversations and see what connections they might have. You can even check out GDI’s Twitter and Facebook page to see who is a fan of us and how you might be able to work with them. Like networking in the traditional business world, not all connections are going to land you that great job or great opportunity, but the more people you are connected with the more chance you have of meeting the right people to add to your downline or offer you great advice.

What do you think the role of an affiliate entails?

Interview with a Top GDI Affiliate: Tim Sebert

Tim Sebert is another name you may recognize from our webinars, or just from frequently being on the GDI Leader Board. Tim and his wife Teresa are some of GDI’s top producers. We recently contacted them to get their story and also some tips and advice that have been keeping them successful with GDI for nearly 7 years. Read on for Tim and Teresa’s story and stay tuned for our next post with some of Tim and Teresa’s best advice.

How did you get started with Global Domains International?

Teresa and I got started with GDI both “Dead Broke” and “out of necessity.” Dead broke in the fact that we were 4 months behind on our mortgage, 3 months behind on our car payment and we had over $200,000 in hospital bills due to the birth of our daughter 1 1/2 years prior to joining GDI. We had no health insurance and she was born with 3 holes in her heart and Down Syndrome! So you can say we had to find a business that would give us a chance to “dig out
of the mess we were in” It was pretty much the only company we found that was both “Global” and “affordable,” we actually had to borrow the $10 to get started and when we did, we new this would have to be our last beginning. Our daughter depended on it.

How has Global Domains International changed your day to day life?

We FINALLY own ourselves! We work when we want, we play when we want, we travel when we want to…No “BOSS” tells us anything! We are now growing together as a family instead of staying apart just to make ends meet!

When did the Global Domains International opportunity start to change you life and your income?

Because of the GDI BONUS contests, we were able to make enough money our first month to catch up all of our bills while building an incredible, life-changing Residual Monthly Income, one that “Goes” and “Grows” every month! So the weekly bonus income is that “bridge” income that takes care of today’s bills while the residual monthly income  builds our dreams and the future for our now 7 1/2 year old daughter, Bobbie.

Now it’s your turn. When and Why did you get started with GDI? What was your tipping point?

A Few Tips for Success from Your Fellow Affiliates

As we’ve said, Social Media is great for feedback, and now we are putting it to good use to help you. When our affiliates respond to us on Facebook, Twitter, Forums and every where else we listen. And now we’re sharing. In case you missed some of these great pieces of advice on Facebook, or you aren’t a fan on Facebook (change that here) we will now be featuring some of our best tips and success stories FROM YOU on the blog.

Below is some awesome encouragement from one of our affiliates, Vincent R. Parker.

Vincent R. Parker: Mindset has A LOT to do with YOUR business. Much more than most people realize, and the few who do realize it have received much training and experience to really appreciate that fact. And with that here is my advice: Never ever quit! Do not be a grasshopper jumping from one opportunity to the next thinking THIS business will do it for me. NO business will do it for you until you make it YOUR business. Get training on a daily basis and then act on that training. Step outside the box. Talk to people. Look for opportunities all around you. Talk to your pizza guy. Talk to businesses in your area. Start providing value for people online. Answer questions. Build relationships. Above all, work your heart out. Hard to give solid advice in so few words, but that’s mine. Hope it helps a bit. 🙂

We also have one more tip from Bart Dangerfield, the voice of our webinars. If you haven’t attended one, it’s time sto start! Also, catch up on past webinars at: http://gdiwebinars.ws/

Bart Dangerfield: Each week, GDI conducts a free webinar open to affiliates and their guests. Even though this webinar is conducted by top field leaders with GDI who represent several different systems, the content that is provided is applicable to ANY GDI affiliate who seeks to be successful.

The webinar starts with a quick 15-minute overview of the company and products, specifically designed for guests and new affiliates who want to learn more about getting started with GDI. Next, corporate news and updates are given. But by far, the most popular portion of the webinar is the live Q&A session where affiliates can ask their questions directly to GDI’s top leaders and most successful affiliates. These questions each week range from how to set up a website to the most effective tools to use in building your online business. To register for the webinar, simply go to: http://register.gdiwebinars.ws

Now it’s your turn to share! What’s the best advice you’ve ever gotten for building your business and opportunity with Global Domains International?