Tag Archives: affiliate

Repeatable Results in Affiliate Marketing

It’s a part of one of our bonuses and a powerful tool, but do you know exactly what duplication means for GDI? When it comes to marketing your GDI opportunity and gaining new signups, duplication means simple and repeatable. It means that if you truly want to grow your downline and business that the way you market the opportunity has to be easy to understand and easy for those you sign up to recreate and get new sign ups themselves. A great way that duplication can be achieved is by sharing the 7 minute movie, sharing great content or talking about your favorite features. It doesn’t take too much effort for your downline to share the same 7 minute movie, great content and their own favorite features to get others interested and signed up. Then their new downline members can do the same thing. These are now repeatable results in affiliate marketing.

It may take a little time to figure out your best duplication system, but once you do it will make your work that much easier. Duplication is beneficial because it gives those around you the simple tools to excel with GDI. Find a way of marketing that works for you, that is simple, direct and can be done by anyone, then allow your new team members to use the same marketing duplication system to build both of your downlines. So get started on a simple and duplicable marketing strategy today!


GDI Spotlight on an Affiliate II

We lcrsuccessove to “spotlight” our affiliates every now and then to give them a chance to show off and to share their experiences with all of you. Our newest Spotlight Affiliate is Carol Rivet. Carol has been with GDI for six years and is an active affiliate and big fan.  Learn more about her below. If you would like to be the next Spotlight Affiliate, leave us a note in the comments with your name and why.

How long have you been with GDI?

I have been with GDI since January of 2007.

 What made you join GDI?

I joined GDI because I needed a stable legitimate company that I could depend on. One that I knew would stand the test of time.

What is your relationship with your sponsor?

My sponsor helped me a lot getting started but eventually you need to get to the point where you are educating yourself on all the ways to grow your business. I believe that true success will come from hard work and a willingness to learn.

How much time do you spend building your GDI business each week?

I spend about 20 hours a week sometimes a little more.

What is your favorite GDI Bonus?

My favorite GDI Bonus is the new Team Bonus, but I also like the $100 bonus for referring five people in seven days. So I am torn. Too many good bonuses… good opportunities for everyone!

What bonuses or contests have you won with GDI?

I have won the GDI lottery where I got four sign ups. It sure was nice.

When you’re not building your business with GDI, what do you like to do?  When I am not promoting GDI I like to read my Bible…I feel like GDI has been a great blessing for my family and myself.

What is your profession outside of GDI?

I have been a waitress for 27 years.

Want to connect with Carol or know more about her GDI journey? You can find her at her WebSite: http://crsuccess.ws/.

Interview with a GDI Affiliate

We often get requests for proof of people succeeding with GDI, and we assure that there are many. GDI has many successful affiliates and we like to showcase them when we have the chance. Below you’ll find an interview we did a while back with affiliate Mary Tomaszewski. Learn more about her below. If you would like to share your GDI story, leave us a note in the comments with your name and why.

How long have you been with GDI?

Since January 2010

What made you join GDI?

My Dad was seeing nice results; he had been doing other things online for several years, but then tested GDI, after not fully understanding the whole program in the past, and saw very nice results. So I needed extra income and always wanted my own business, so I jumped in with him. The low cost at $10/month is very affordable and in today’s economy, allows just about anyone a chance to start a home business.

conversationWhat is your relationship like with your sponsor?

Well, he’s my Dad as I mentioned and he helps everyone that he or I sponsor-that is one thing he taught me, to always help everyone as much as we can, no matter what level of ability they have, because that is how this business can grow for anyone that puts their mind to learning the business and how we market it. The business and product sells itself, all you need to do is learn how to get prospects then work with them until they are seeing results.

What one tip would you offer to someone just starting out?

Ask many questions to your sponsor. So many people will join, and maybe ask one or two questions, then they may drop off. My best recruits asked me many questions and I love to answer them all, to help someone possibly really change their life with a nice GDI  residual income. Also, trust in the company, their sponsor and especially in themselves that they found the very best online program around.

What do you think helped you most to get on the Leader Board?

We market 100% to the internet, using a team system that does a very nice job to explain the business and make sales, BUT the key to internet success is to learn how to get targeted traffic to the GDI offer. I feel learning and understanding how to build traffic is the key to online success, and GDI at a 7 day free trial and $10/month, is much easier to sell online than other maybe costlier programs/products in today’s economy. Also, MY work efforts  to build the traffic.. 🙂

What was your friends/family reaction when you told them you were joining GDI?

I’ll use my Dad’s situation because I followed him. Initially we didn’t think anything he did online could actually build and grow to a nice income…so the initial reaction was maybe skeptical. But then we saw how people stay on with GDI for many reasons beyond just a home business opportunity and  we knew he had something special, and now I do too.

How much time do you devote to GDI each week?

About 15 hours. Mostly helping new people get started and advertising, and replying to prospects questions.

When you’re not promoting GDI, what do you like to do?

I like music and like to sing and also hang out with friends.

What is/ was your profession?

I am a Senior Customer Service Rep for a local company. I am working GDI to initially add some extra income, and keep growing to replace my income.