Tag Archives: affiliate marketing

How to Get Started as an Affiliate with GDI

We often post information that is helpful to new GDI members and current members looking to expand their skills, but today’s post is for those of you who haven’t yet joined GDI as an affiliate. If you are considering GDI for affiliate marketing but aren’t sure what to do next, or just want to learn more, this post is for you.

Learn More about the Opportunity

It’s a great idea to learn more about GDI and how it could work for you before you consider signing up with a sponsor. An easy way to do this is to watch the 7 Minute Movie at: http://website.ws/gditraffic/show. You can also learn more about the specific products and services that GDI provides as well as a breakdown of how you can earn income at our YouTube tutorial channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/GDITutorialVideos/. If you have additional questions before you sign up, feel free to reach out to us on Facebook or Twitter or contact support@website.ws

Connect with a Sponsor

You can find many GDI affiliates active on social networks, our message boards and just through a simple search. It’s important to sign up with the right sponsor for you. Ask questions of any potential sponsor before you sign up to ensure they will be a good fit for you and will help you along the way as you build Income for Life. If you do not want to research a sponsor, GDI can connect you with one. Simply watch the 7 Minute Movie at http://website.ws/gditraffic/show and share your contact information. GDI will then assign a sponsor to you.

 Select Premium or Basic

At just $10 per month for a domain, personalized email address, and domain services, many of our affiliates choose our basic option and have much success with it. But to really make the most money with the affiliate program, our premium option is the way to go. GDI’s premium option offers upgraded products and services as well as chances for bonuses, contest entries and higher payouts. For a full rundown of what premium can offer check out this post.

Take Advantage of the Summer

It’s officially summertime in the US and with it comes vacations, holidays and a more relaxed pace to each day. While others have more time off, or may even be looking for a summer job, it’s time to take advantage of that. Here are a few ways to make summer work in your favor for building your business.


It seems like everyone has more social outings to attend in the summer. These events are a great time to network and connect with new people. Move out of your comfort zone at these events, meet new people and see if the GDI affiliate opportunity of .WS domain might be a good fit for them.

 Summer Break

A handful of lucky people get the summers off from work entirely, including students and teachers. The summer can be a great time for them to start working with GDI and earn extra income. College students are great to reach out as they are always looking to build their income and tend to have established networks of friends in the same situation.

Summer Hours

While most people don’t have the summers off entirely, many companies tend to have shorter hours and a lesser workload during this time. Seek out those people in your network with this extra time and invite them to learn more about GDI. Their shorter work days will allow them the time to really work with GDI and build their business.

Manage Your Time and Your Future

The website LifeHacker recently posted on a concept that can be very helpful to managing your time and increasing productivity, the concept is: the focus and ignore lists. The website explains that these two lists can help you narrow down what you should spend your time on each and every day. Read the excerpt below, answer the questions and make your own focus and ignore lists to better manage your time and grow your business.


 List 1: Your Focus List (the road ahead)

What are you trying to achieve? What makes you happy? What’s important to you? Design your time around those things. Because time is your one limited resource and no matter how hard you try you can’t work 25/8.

 List 2: Your Ignore List (the distractions)

To succeed in using your time wisely, you have to ask the equally important but often avoided complementary questions: what are you willing not to achieve? What doesn’t make you happy? What’s not important to you? What gets in the way?


Have you created these lists before? What is your biggest focus each day? What do you work hard to ignore?