GDI Big Tippers Fourth and Final Entry Period Voting

Vote for your favorite entry. The top tip with the most voted will win $100. Click here for full contest rules.  Voting is from January 2nd-6th.

GDI Big Tippers Third Entry Period Voting -- Chose Your Favorite Tip!

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New Year, New Goals

Just a few days ago we talked about reflecting on your experiences as an affiliate in 2012. After sometime looking back, it’s now time to look forward! As the holidays come to a close, it is the perfect time to set goals, make plans, and work towards 2013 being your best year yet.  Follow our advice below to get 2013 off to a great start!

Set Goals

Decide what you want to achieve in 2013, weekly, monthly and more and write it down. Set easy goals as well as harder to reach goals to keep you on the right path. Goals don’t have to be just about money or signups either. Goals can deal with things like commission numbers you would like to hit or number of blog posts you want to publish.

Set Clear Measures of Success

Setting goals is the easy part, setting when you hit them and how is a bit trickier. Maybe you’re monthly goal is to get 4 new sign ups. But if you get 6 one month and 2 the next, is that good enough for you? Set markers so that you know when you have achieved a goal. Once that happens, set new and tougher goals to keep moving forward.

Schedule Yourself

Setting a time to work on building your business each week is a great idea. Many of us are so busy these days that if we don’t set a specific time to do something, it wont get done. If you spent 2012 only working on your business in random spurts, change that this year. Pick a time each week to dedicate to your business and add it to your schedule or agenda to hold yourself to it.

Tie Up Loose Ends

GDI unveiled the Learning Bonus in August of 2012 to make sure new affiliates had an understanding of GDI as well as everything they needed to get started and get paid. If you joined prior to August 2012, you missed the opportunity for this bonus, but it is still a great guide for getting started. Listed below are a few steps from the Learning Bonus that are helpful for all affiliates. See any you haven’t accomplished just yet? Now is the time to check them off your list!

  • Create a “GDI” email address with your domain
  • Create a WebSite using SiteBuilder or WordPress
  • Set Your Preferred Commission Method
  • Send Your Documentation to GDI Support

Looking Back on Your Business Plan from 2012

The end of the year is fast approaching; you should have a plan to work with it. The end of the year should mean assessing goals, plans, and progress from the past 12 months. Here is one breakdown to apply to your opportunity to see how far you’ve come this year and what you might need to change for the New Year.

Signs Ups and Bonuses

  1. How many new sign ups did you get this year?
  2. How many of those sign ups are still with you?
  3. The Learning Bonus launched in August, how many of your sign ups since then have achieved it?
  4. How far off are you from your Duplication Bonus
  5. What bonuses have you earned this year?

Time and Effort

  1. Did you have a business plan for 2012?
  2. On average, how much time did you spend on GDI weekly?
  3. How often did you market offline?
  4. What forms of marketing did you use online?
  5. How active were you on social media?
  6. How many times did you take a break from your business? For how long?

Education and Content

  1. How many tutorials have you watched?
  2. How many blogs posts have you read and shared?
  3. How often did you help your downline?
  4. How often did you update your blog or WebSite?
  5. Did you share your business plan with your downline members?

These questions are just a guideline to get you thinking about the progress of your opportunity this year. What questions help you reflect and set new goals?

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