I Don’t Want a Domain

As you market your opportunity and the GDI products, you will encounter people with many different needs. Some may want a domain and not be interested in the affiliate program, other may want their own personal email address, while others still may see no need for a domain at all. How do you market to these people? How do you get someone on board who does not see the power in having their own domain name? We share three tips.


The simplest response to someone who does not want their own domain is to explain the power of a personalized domain. A domain gives you the unique opportunity to brand yourself, your business and your future. At $10 per month, GDI gives people of all levels and abilities the opportunity to build their own website, have 10 personalized email addresses and maintain their own personalized domain. Whether it is on social media or email, people are advertising for other companies each time they access the internet. They are Facebook.com/BobSmith and bobsmith@yahoo.com. Why not take the opportunity to be bobsmith.ws and advertise YOU and build your own online experience. Having an online presence is extremely important and the more personalized, the better.

Affiliate Opportunity

GDI offers a great affiliate opportunity and some of our affiliates do not take advantage of the products, but solely the opportunity. Many people are interested in building their business and may or may not be interested in building a website themselves. Simply market GDI as the great affiliate opportunity it is and explain to people they don’t have build their website to build their team, but it will help them if they do.

Email Services

While someone may not be interested in a domain, email services are something we all need. GDI allows you a personalized email address unlike any other. Instead of BobSmith8765@gmail.com you can be Bob@Smith.ws giving the a great opportunity for branding whether you’re building your business or reaching out to others, your personalized email will stand out.

Three Beginner Mistakes

We want all of our affiliates to be successful with GDI, but like beginners to any business, mistakes will be made, slowing down success. Below you’ll find three common beginner mistakes and how you can fix them and be on your path to Income for Life.

Failure to Follow Up

Mistake: People you send your site to aren’t signing up and you’re just letting them go.

Solution: Sending the email sharing your site is not the first and the last step you take to sign up new team members. You need to follow up with each and every person you reach out to. First, simply ask if they did get to see your site. If not, ask them why. If someone did visit the site, find out why they are hesitant to join and try to fix that. Follow up, ask questions, and address issues.

Network marketing is about building that network, and to do so, you must follow up and not let people slip through your fingers.

Failure to Set Goals

Mistake: You hope to make money with GDI, but haven’t set any goals beyond that.

Solution: Set beginner goals, achievable goals and reach goals. Keep assessing and moving your goals. If you do not set goals, how can you be sure when you have been successful? As you just start out, set attainable goals and be sure to check them off as you reach them. As you get more familiar with GDI, keep pushing those goals further while still remembering all you have accomplished before.

Working from home is a great goal for network marketing and GDI, but be sure to set smaller goals to help you get there.

Failure to Reach Out

Mistake: You’re lost and don’t know where to start.

Solution: Reach out to your upline. GDI offers many resources for your questions including our support team, social media sites, and forums, but your upline should be your first life line. Your upline has more experience in GDI than you and can answer your questions. Reach out to them when you’re just starting out for advice and help, after all, they brought you onto GDI, it’s their duty to help you.

Network marketing success is based in your team and your network, so reach out to them!

What mistakes have you made building your business? How did you right them?

Understanding Facebook Timeline for Pages

Facebook is in the process of unrolling out timeline for all of its pages. What are the new features and how do you take use and interact with them? We share them below.

Pin a Post to the Top

This new feature allows you to pin a post to the top of the timeline, meaning that post will be pinned and remain the top post visitors see when they visit a page. The pinned post will stay in this position for 7 days, and then will return to its place on the timeline based on the original date it was pinned.

Change Story Dates

Found in the top right hand corner of the post, under the “Edit or Delete” options, you can now change the date for which your post will show up in the timeline. This can be helpful for sorting posts or moving posts deeper into the timeline.

Highlight a Post

In timeline, posts and updates are shown across two separate columns. When you highlight a post, the post will expand across both columns and show in a larger font. This post will stay highlighted for 7 days and then will return to a normal post in the timeline. This is a great tool for ensuring important updates are front and center.

Timeline History

Timeline history can be seen on the right hand side of the page or accesses from the toolbar at the top of each page. Timeline history is sorted by years and allows you to go back and see posts from previous years and even company information from before Facebook was even around.

Timeline Milestone

Timeline milestones allow you to go back and add dates important to you or your company that will then show up in your timeline and timeline history. As you can see from our page, GDI has shared information from our history and important past events in our milestones.


Clicking on Highlights allows you to sort posts in a way you would like to see them on the timeline. Highlights is the default was a page shares its posts, but you can sort by Posts by Others, Posts by Page and Friend Activity to ensure you’re getting the information you need.

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