Category Archives: Beginners

What You Have to Do to Earn $25 from GDI

By now you’ve probably heard about our two new bonuses: the Learning Bonus and the Duplication Bonus. If you haven’t been to your Members Area just yet, head there now to see which bonus(es) you are eligible for and how you can achieve them. If you’re still considering joining GDI here is one more reason to: you can earn $25 just for completing a few easy steps to make you a more educated and prepared affiliate. Just how easy? Check out the list below of tasks to complete and decide if GDI and the Learning Bonus is right for you.

  •  Convert from a trial member to an ACTIVE GDI member
  • Create a GDI email address with your .ws domain
  • Send out at least 5 invites using one of the GDI Inviter tools
  • Refer one converted signup. This means a signup must convert to active after the 7 day trial to count towards your bonus.
  • Create any WebSite you would like at your .WS by using our SiteBuilder or WordPress plugin.
  • Email our Support Team at from your account with the link to your new WebSite
  • Set your preferred commission method within the Members Area
  • Send your signed documentation to GDI support


Do these sound like steps you can accomplish? If so it’s time to join GDI today to begin working towards your Learning Bonus! Or you can learn even more with our video presentation.

FAQ: Products and Services or the Income Opportunity?

A question we often hear at GDI is “What should I market, the product or the opportunity?” The short answer is that this is something you have to decide for yourself. But top help you decide we’ve included some tips below.

How well do you understand GDI’s product and services?

All of our members should understand the website hosting and email that GDI offers and better yet take advantage of it. But since we know this may not be the case for everyone, decide where you fall. Do you use a replicated site and have no interest in hosting? Well then you are someone who should be advertising the opportunity. It doesn’t make sense to try to explain and sell someone on something you aren’t using yourself.

If you are someone who takes advantage of GDI website hosting and know every in and out of the product, you are someone who should be selling the product. If you love the product people will be able to see that and want to get on board with it.

What kind of people do you work best with?

Do you work best with people who get really excited about a new idea or offering, or do you prefer to work with people who take a more analytical approach. A lot of this can be based on your own experience and is in no way a scientific fact, but try to take personality types into account when trying to get someone into your downline.

Someone who is very excitable and good at getting others excited, could be very good at selling the opportunity, and this is someone you may want to work with if you feel the same. Someone who takes a more calculated look at things may need a little more of a push could really benefit from being sold the product and explained the virtues of it in combination with the opportunity. Try to figure out the kind of people you want in your downline and it will help you decide what you should be selling.

What is your selling style?

Your selling style is a combination of the answers to the two questions. Try to mix your personality with what you know and you will be able to see what you are better at selling.

How about both?

You can follow the steps above to stick with selling either the product or the opportunity, or you could do both. Don’t limit yourself on only trying to sell one aspect of GDI, you have multiple selling points at your finger tips, so use this to your advantage. Get educated on the product, refine your pitch and decide what you want to sell on a person to person basis.

How to Get Started as an Affiliate with GDI

We often post information that is helpful to new GDI members and current members looking to expand their skills, but today’s post is for those of you who haven’t yet joined GDI as an affiliate. If you are considering GDI for affiliate marketing but aren’t sure what to do next, or just want to learn more, this post is for you.

Learn More about the Opportunity

It’s a great idea to learn more about GDI and how it could work for you before you consider signing up with a sponsor. An easy way to do this is to watch the 7 Minute Movie at: You can also learn more about the specific products and services that GDI provides as well as a breakdown of how you can earn income at our YouTube tutorial channel: If you have additional questions before you sign up, feel free to reach out to us on Facebook or Twitter or contact

Connect with a Sponsor

You can find many GDI affiliates active on social networks, our message boards and just through a simple search. It’s important to sign up with the right sponsor for you. Ask questions of any potential sponsor before you sign up to ensure they will be a good fit for you and will help you along the way as you build Income for Life. If you do not want to research a sponsor, GDI can connect you with one. Simply watch the 7 Minute Movie at and share your contact information. GDI will then assign a sponsor to you.

 Select Premium or Basic

At just $10 per month for a domain, personalized email address, and domain services, many of our affiliates choose our basic option and have much success with it. But to really make the most money with the affiliate program, our premium option is the way to go. GDI’s premium option offers upgraded products and services as well as chances for bonuses, contest entries and higher payouts. For a full rundown of what premium can offer check out this post.