Category Archives: Advice

Marketing to Provide Value

Recently, we posted about affiliate marketing versus affiliate selling. GDI is an affiliate marketing opportunity, meaning that adding new team members is not about just getting rid of or selling a product, but connecting people with the right product, price, and opportunity for them. Affiliate marketing is about providing value to prospects and team members, not selling inventory. We share a few tips to ensure you’re providing value while working to build your team.


While the chance to generate income by referring people to GDI is enough to get many people excited, you need to go beyond that when sharing the opportunity. Start educating potential team members about GDI and how to be successful with GDI right away. This is a chance for you to provide value before someone even considers joining your team. This value means more educated team members and in turn more successful team members.

Don’t Sell

As we said in our previous post, don’t sell GDI, but market it. When you are in a “selling” mindset, you may end up with the wrong people and struggle to meet your goals. You do not want to sell to just anyone. You want to market the right product to the right people who can be an active member of your team. Market to people to ensure they are interested in GDI for the right reasons.


This tip came from our successful Tissa Godavitarne. He advised that when you are looking to grow your team, reach out to many people, but then take the time to qualify them. Get to know people before you add them to your downline to decide if they will be good for your team. Switch roles and instead of having potential team members study you and decide if they want to join, study them, get to know them, and then decide if they will be an effective part of your team.

Marketing the Right Way

There is quite a difference between marketing and selling. There is a reason why the GDI opportunity if part of affiliate marketing and not affiliate selling. Sales and selling refer to getting customers to buy a certain product, whatever it might be. Marketing is the process of finding that right product, price and placement to ensure it meets the needs of the customer. As you share your GDI opportunity, you should be marketing not selling. Here’s how:

The opportunity and domain that GDI offers can be tailored many different ways to meet the needs of each potential new team member. As you approach people with the opportunity, don’t think about how their joining GDI will benefit you, but how it can benefit them. You need to find out the needs and wants of a potential team member to decide how best to present the opportunity. This is marketing.

Learn what someone might be most interested in and then market the opportunity to them in that sense. Is someone looking simply for another income source? Market the affiliate program. Is this person in need of a site for their business? Market the domain and site building services.

Remember, when you solely look to get someone to join your team for your benefit, you are selling. When you look for someone to join your team for their benefit as well as yours, you are marketing. Always market to build a successful and happy team.

Four Reasons People Quit and How to Avoid Them

Cost and Product Purchasing

In many network marketing opportunities, cost to start and stay with a program is a huge factor. Many programs require you to purchase costly products and then sell them in order to make any profit, or just break even. But with GDI, this is not an issue. At just $10 per month, GDI is affordable for anyone. If someone is looking to quit, remind them what a small investment GDI is to start building Income for Life.

Unsure What to Do

People may decide to quit network marketing when they aren’t sure what they need to be doing or how to grow their business. This is easily avoidable by being a good and responsive sponsor and upline. Your team members should not feel lost or unsure where to get answers, it is your job to guide them and educate them. Keep them on your team by being a great sponsor and an even better mentor.

Not Getting Rich Quick

Network marketing is a chance to build your business and be your own boss on your own time. It is not a get rich quick scheme. Your team members need to know this when they sign up. To ensure people don’t get frustrated and quit when they don’t get rich right away, let them know that it takes time to build a business and see a return. Teach patience to your team members.

Joined for the Wrong Reasons

Team members may look to quit simply because the got into the wrong business or joined GDI for the wrong reasons. To avoid this, get to know each person before you sign them up. Ask potential team members questions and educate them to ensure they are joining GDI for the right reasons and are ready to be part of a team and work hard.