All posts by GDI Corporate

The GDI WebSite Contest

The GDI WebSite Contest is a chance for YOU to share your site, gain recognition and show off what you have worked hard to build. Many of our customers have built great sites using SiteBuilder, WordPress and our hosting and we want you to share them.

Take the time to submit a link to your site on Facebook or Twitter for consideration in the contest. Once we have all the submissions it will be up to GDI fans, family, friends and the public to vote. Entries will be shared on the official GDI Facebook page, giving any visitors a chance to vote for what they think is the best site with their “Likes.” The page or pages with the most “Likes” will be eligible for our cash prize.

The winners will receive a cash prize, have their site shared on Facebook and a special blog post, and also receive a GDI Top Design Site badge to be displayed on their site.

You must submit your site to be entered. All sites are subject to review. We reserve the right to refuse any site due to spam, offensive or objectionable content, and/or failure to meet eligibility rules.

Eligibility Rules

In order to be eligible to win a cash prize in the GDI WebSite Contest you must:

  1. Submit your website for consideration via Facebook or Twitter.
  2. Create your own website using any service. Replicated or forwarded sites (masked or unmasked) will not be considered.
  3. Your website must be a GDI domain, purchased through GDI.
  4. Entries must be from registered, active GDI customers in good standing.

How to Enter

We will be posting on Facebook and Twitter in the coming weeks asking for your entries. Simply leave the link to your website in the comments of a Facebook post or tweet us @gdicorporate with your site for consideration for the contest. You can even leave you link in the comments of this post.

Last day for submissions is Friday, April 13.

Longevity Builds Income for Life

Longevity means long life. In network marketing it refers to the long life of your team members. Team members who stay with you for a long time help you to Build Income for Life. While increasing sign ups and building your downline is important, it is equally important to keep those already on your team involved and successful. In many cases it is easier to keep someone on your team rather than to find a new sign up for your team. Your long lasting team members will also have a better understanding of GDI and a larger network. Here a three ways to work towards that long life with your team members.

Keep Lines of Communication Open

Getting new sign ups can be hard work, but this is no reason to ignore your current downline members. Be sure current members know how to contact you. When you get a new email address or phone number, keep them in the loop with this information. If you haven’t heard from a team member in a while and they seem inactive, it’s up to you to reach out to them. It is just as important to occasionally reach out to team members as it is for them to be able to contact you.

Get Inventive

The world of network marketing is always changing, so its important to change accordingly. If you and your team members have been with GDI for a long period of time, it’s important not to get into a rut. Doing the same things over and over again for marketing will get you the same results, if not diminishing results. To get bigger returns for you and your team, get inventive with marketing and team building strategies. Sharing these ideas with your team will keep them engaged and active.

Work Together

Working together combines the first two tips. What better way to get creative and keep in contact with your team members than working together. Your downline should feel like they are a part of a team, not just a cog in a wheel. Working together keeps them interested in GDI and their team and helps to give them more power over their success, success that will help to keep them on board.

Build Your Downline Effectively

Each downline member that joins with your team is a chance for everyone to make money thanks to GDI’s pay outs. However, your job isn’t done once someone signs up with you; in fact this is where the real work begins. A key to success in GDI is the longevity of your team members. One way to achieve this is by working to build the right team step by step. Here are a few things to focus on when you get a new team member.


Whether it’s a random sign up or someone you’ve been talking to for weeks, communication is very important in the beginning. This will not only help your new team member get ramped up and ready to go with GDI, but also give you a feel for their level of interest and commitment. This early communication can help you identify someone who might need a little more help and guidance or someone who is ready to go on their own.



People are going to have questions when they first start with GDI and it’s important for you to address them before they can even ask them. Have education materials ready for new team members like videos, blog posts and emails that address beginner questions. This will help your new team member get started fast and start building income for everyone.





Set personal goals and team goals and be sure they are well known and attainable. Check in with your team often to see their progress and decide if you need to set new goals or even scale them down so they are more attainable. Goals help team members create plans and follow through, a key to success.