Tag Archives: WordPress

GDI Features: WordPress

What it is

WordPress is a free open source blogging software that has become one of the most popular and prominent content management services on the web. In WordPress.org’s own words: “The core software is built by hundreds of community volunteers, and when you’re ready for more there are thousands of plugins and themes available to transform your site into almost anything you can imagine. Over 25 million people have chosen WordPress to power the place on the web they call “home” – we’d love you to join the family.”


WordPress has many great features, not the least of which is an easy to use blogging platform that can be customized in many different ways. You can edit, format, and publish blog posts with WordPress. You can customize your blog by adding new widgets or new themes. There are thousands of themes available for WordPress that can be easily found by searching and installing directly through WordPress or searching with and outside search engine. If you already have a WordPress blog, you can also easily move it to GDI. With GDI, regular customers may use up to 10 GB of space for the sum of all their plugins. Premium customers have 100 GB of space available for the sum of all their plugins.

How to take advantage of it

Log in to your Members Area and navigate to Plugins. Here you can activate your blog or create new ones. Once your blog is live take advantage of it by customizing it every way you can. Add plugins, manage widgets and play with themes. Once your blog looks the way you would like, utilize WordPress to its fullest by adding and scheduling posts, posting video and sharing photos. The possibilities with WordPress are endless! To get up to speed right away, watch our WordPress tutorial video above.

What to Do if You Already Have a Website or the Know How to Build Your Own

Ready to Build Your Own Site?

GDI allows you to use Drupal to build your own site at your .ws domain. According to their main site, “Drupal is a free software package that allows you to easily organize, manage and publish your content, with an endless variety of customization.” To get started with Drupal for GDI, navigate to the Plugins section of your Members Area and turn the Drupal CMS plugin to the ON position. You can also click to view a demo or visit Drupal’s beginner’s page for tips here.

Want to Forward to Another Site?

If you would like your .WS to forward visitors to an already created site at another domain, you can do this with a just a few clicks of the mouse. Log in to your Members Area and click Domains on the left hand side. Once here you will be able to see your domains and their current DNS. Click on change DNS and then select the forwarding option. Here you will be asked where you would like your .WS site to forward to. Once you input this information, your site will begin forwarding. Simple!

Already Have a WordPress Site?
WordPress has built in Import and Export functionality to let you move your site to whatever host you prefer. To bring an existing blog to GDI, first login to your existing blog. On the main navigation menu, look for Tools. In the submenu of Tools, click Export and then press Download Export File. This will cause you to save a file to your local computer with a name like “blog-name.wordpress.YYYY-MM-DD.xml”. After you download the file, login to your GDI WordPress Blog. Again look for Tools, only this time click Import. Select WordPress from the list of blog services, and then Install to install the importer on the server (nothing is installed on your local computer). Next, click Activate Plugin & Run Importer. Finally, browse your computer and upload the file you exported earlier, the one with a name like “blog-name.wordpress.YYYY-MM-DD.xml”. Now GDI is hosting your WordPress site, and you cancel that Hosting service you were paying for!

Blogs and Affiliate Marketing

Blogs can be a great tool to share your opportunity, update your team, and help to educate prospects. Anyone can blog, but there are a few best practices to keep in mind for your blog.

*Remember, GDI gives you multiple ways to take advantage of blogging with SiteBuilder blogs, WordPress and hosting.

Post Often

Blogging gives you the chance to update content in a way that’s simple and doesn’t require you changing your whole website. Because of the ease of use, visitors expect blog posts to be updated on the regular and offer new content. Creating a posting schedule and sticking to it will keep visitors engaged and also show new visitors your dedication to your site and opportunity.

Post Your Own Content

Blogs provide a great platform to share videos and images created by others, but your unique content is what will keep visitors coming back. Take advantage of the “stage” your blog provides to share your own experiences and advice for affiliate marketing. Visitors will appreciate the unique content and come back for more.

Switch Up Your Posts

When you start blogging you need to be conscious of what people are and are not willing to read. Many people are put off by long blog posts and big blocks of text, so much so that they may leave your site. To avoid this, make sure your posts are short and to the point. You can also switch up your types of posts. This can mean breaking your posts in to list format, adding bullets or even posting a video blog every so often. Get creative!

Share, Share, Share!

Your blog is only as powerful as the people viewing it, so get it out there! Share your new posts on social networks, email friends and ask others to share. Don’t be afraid to ask visitors to share a post if they like it. The more shares, the more popular your blog and the bigger your network can grow.

Do you blog? What’s your #1 blogging tip?