Tag Archives: affiliate marketing

Effectively Using Email Marketing Part II

mailboxWhat Next

The purpose of your email marketing may be to get subscribers to complete an action they weren’t on your website. To do this, it can be as easy as just asking. If you want users to sign up to be an affiliate, provide them real value and information with your emails, then ask them to consider signing up and share your link. If you want them to visit your business, provide a reason why, like a special. Always consider what your goal is for your readers when drafting an email.

Allow for Unsubscribes

People who signed up to receive your email may change their mind and wish to stop. You do need to accommodate this. To again avoid being labeled as SPAM you must provide an option for receiver to unsubscribe from your email list in each email. This can be accomplished by adding small text at the bottom of your email with unsubscribe information.  This information is whatever action the receiver needs to take to no longer get your email. An example of this it to add the text “Please reply to this email with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line to remove yourself from this list” or something similar. This will meet the requirement of having an unsubscribe option. If you do use a separate email marketing service, this is already included in each email you send.

Miss Part I of this series? You can find it here

Effectively Using Email Marketing Part I

mailboxYou’ve created a great website and you’ve got traffic, but not the kind of signups or actions you would like. What do you do next? Consider using email marketing. You don’t need to sign up for an email marketing service, you can do it yourself easily. Emails sent by you can help to support your website and engage your audience. Once your audience is engaged, you can ask them to the do the next step, whether it’s signing up to be an affiliate, buying your product or visiting your store in person.  An example of a type of email you might send to a website visitor is one with more information, a deal, or an action item. It’s up to you to decide the content of your email to take your audience to that next step.

Before you get started with email, here are a few points to keep in mind.

Users Must Opt In

To avoid being labeled as SPAM or worse, people who will be receiving emails from you must first opt-in. This means that they must provide their email address to you, understanding that they are signing up to receive emails from you. This can be accomplished by a simple contact form on your website. Both SiteBuilder and WordPress allow you to add a contact form to your website. Simply adjust the text above the contact form to say something like “To learn more by email” or “Subscribe to our email list for deals” and you’ve met the requirement for opt-in. Double opt-in are helpful as well, but require more services. If you’re interested in using a double opt-in, you can learn more here.

Provide Real Value

Now that you’ve got subscribers to your email, you want to make it worth their effort. You can do this by providing real value. Value can be helpful information, a coupon or deal,  or a collection of links that may be interesting to your new subscribers. Consider all the emails you see in your inbox, what makes you open the few you do? Keep this in mind as your draft your email and your email subject line.

Check back for Part II on Friday. Please leave any questions in the comments.

Three Reasons to Become a Part of GDI

The main reason people get started with Global Domains International  is to make some money and generate Income for Life. While this seems like a “no brainer” reason, there are many other great reasons to get started with GDI, like networking, creating your own business and being your own boss. We asked our affiliates on Twitter what their reason was for joining GDI and we got quite a few answers back. Read on for some top answers and our explanations behind them.

Meet People

While you may have some people you already know interested in GDI, it is a great opportunity to meet and connect with new people interested in making money with GDI. With GDI you can connect with many people through www.talk.ws, our Facebook page, Twitter and more. While building your business with GDI you can meet new people and work towards creating successful business relationships with them as well as sharing advices and tips.

Great value

How many businesses do you know that take just $10 to get started? Not many! That’s why GDI is unique, with just $10 per month you can start to build income for life. Not only is GDI a low cost way to start your own business, but it’s easy to use and understand. We offer you your own domain name and the tools to create your website and your business. A great value and easy for sure.

Create a Future

We’ve talked recently how GDI is a great way to build income for your future, whatever that may be. If you’re just started out in the business world or headed towards retirement, GDI is a great way to create Income for Life which can help fund your future. Getting started with GDI is easy and if you work hard and don’t give up the possibilities for income and for your future are endless.