Language Options from GDI

Working with an international business, you will sometimes hit language barriers. To make our business open to everyone who wants to be a part of GDI, we offer quite a few translation tools and services to help your market your business globally.

Blog Transposh

Transposh is a WordPress plugin we use for the blog that allows you to translate the content into any language you wish. Users can use it to read the blog in their native language or install it on their own blog to make content accessible to foreign language speakers.

Automatic Language Replicated Sites

Both our Products and Services and Total Package Replicated Sites offer automatic language selection. This means that the WebSite will automatically translate into the user’s set language. Select from Replicated Sites in your Members Area to take advantage of this option.

Spanish Replicated Sites

We offer right Replicated Site options in Spanish.  Choose one of these sites to tailor your outreach to Spanish speakers and readers. is a generic WebSite for the GDI opportunity where an interested person can enter your sponsor username to proceed and sign up. This page provides information about GDI and can be viewed in eight different languages. Visitors can choose from English, Spanish, French, Korean, German, Portuguese, Japanese or Chinese.

Spanish and Multilingual Support

Our in house Support Team works with many languages to provide you the help you need. Call into our Support Team at 760-602-3000 Monday-Friday 8am-3pm PST for assistance in English and Spanish. For help in any other language, please email

Content Marketing: Clickworthy Headlines

newsIf you were on Facebook this week, chances are you saw a blog post titled “Marriage Isn’t for You” being shared around. This article had an attention grabbing title and a relatable topic causing many people to click. If you did click, you found out that the headline is a bit misleading. It wasn’t an article about someone’s choice not to marry, but rather why they believe marriage is about the other person. The author didn’t do this on accident. He knew an essential aspect of getting your content read and shared is how you title and share it and he knew just how to do it. While GDI has nothing to do with marriage, this post is a great example to learn from.  Here are a few more ways to title your content to get seen and get shared.

Mislead (just a little). The example above insinuates a scandalous topic, but the article is really about just the opposite. Find a clever way to announce your post or site that grabs people’s attention, even if your content takes a different approach than the headline.

Highlight a bad review. Ever get a bad review or comment you think was unfair? Share it. People are dying to know who said what about whom, so share it. Address the issue in your content but use the bad review to lead people in.

Tease. If you know you’ve got a great post on your hands, save it for a few days. Tease social media with info about your upcoming post or WebSite creating buzz for when it finally goes live.

Make a promise. It doesn’t have to be a money backed guarantee but something like “We promise you’ll learn something new on our site” is enough to drag some people in. Get creative and share.


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