Our Current Bonuses

premium affiliateLearning Bonus

The Learning Bonus is a reward for taking the first steps to being successful with GDI. It’s a $25 bonus that affiliates can earn within their first two months with GDI. The steps are achievable and a step by step list can be found in your Members Area when eligible.

Duplication Bonus

The Duplication Bonus is designed to reward YOU for each new signup you have who completes their Learning Bonus. How it works is simple, once a sign up of yours completes their Learning Bonus, you will receive one checkmark towards your Duplication Bonus. Each signup that completes THEIR Learning Bonus earns YOU a checkmark. Once you have 10 checkmarks you will earn $250. The best part is that this bonus is UNLIMITED, you can earn $250 for every 10 directly referred signups who earn their GDI Learning Bonus.

Team Bonus

The bonus rewards a team of affiliates for the total number of signups they bring in during a set month. Each month teams are paid out a bonus of $250 per 25 signups with multipliers (up to triple!) available based on number of people in a team, number and distribution of referrals, and Premium referrals. Each team member with a referral gets an equal share of the payout.

Weekly Superstars Bonus

As premium user, you have the chance to earn of $100 bonuses each week by becoming a bonus superstar. You can do this by referring five new confirmed affiliates in a seven day contest period. This contest runs each and every week, and you can win as many times as you qualify, no limits! If you go as far as to refer 25 paid affiliate in one week, the rewards keep coming and you will earn and $500 for the weekly bonus contest

All bonuses are currently running and you can see your progress and eligibility for each one in the Members Area.

What’s Your Affiliate Presentation?

Thanks to affiliate and Facebook fan, Medicane P. for requesting this topic.

There is no formal presentation for promoting GDI. There’s no script to follow or specific words you have to say. When we talk about your presentation, we are talking more about your preparation. Think of each time your present GDI like a job interview. You don’t want to read off a script or run over your audience, but you do want to be prepared. In addition, you know there are specific points you want to discuss and find a way to fit them into your conversation. To get comfortable with this way of presenting, you need to prepare. Here are a few tips to prepare for your next presentation.

Know Your Options

GDI has many offerings to support affiliates. Be sure you know all about our products and services from our SiteBuilder and WordPress plugin to the Marketing Kit, 7 Minute Movie, Bonuses and Virtual ID Card. The more you know about GDI, the easier it is to tailor your presentation. What do you like best about GDI? Learn as much as you can about that and let it be the cornerstone of your presentation. People can sense when you’re genuinely excited about something, so lead with whichever product, service, or bonus you are most excited about.

Know Your Audience

Just like you need to know GDI well, you need to know your audience even better. Who are you meeting with and what are their interests? Knowing who you are presenting to makes a huge difference. When you can relate to you audience, it’s easier to find a common goal or reason to join GDI.

Allow for Flexibility

Preparing for your GDI presentation gives you a sense of comfort that allows you to be flexible. When you know your audience and your material it’s easy to go off script and be yourself when promoting your business. Take the time to prepare, and then go with the flow.

What are your presentation tips?

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