Make Sure You Are Pre-Qualified to Purchase IDNs

GDI IDNs are going live and for purchase as 6pm on June 28th. We’ve told you how this is a one of a kind opportunity for you to get in early on something huge. To prepare for the big launch, we have listed the ways you can qualify to purchase you very own Internationalized Domain Names.


This option simply means that you have at least two active GDI affiliates on your front line and each of those two has at least two active GDI affiliates on their front line (for a total of six or more active affiliates, in that structure). If you have already accomplished this , then you are ready to go! If you have not yet achieved this level of production, then now is the time to get others into GDI. Show them the GDI marketing video of your choice (select from the available self-replicating marketing sites by visiting your GDI back office) then show them the IDN video on this site so they know where our company is headed in the global markets.

“Go Premium”

You can qualify right away by converting your basic member account to premium, which is an extra $40 per month and carries multiple additional benefits. Details on premium status and instant activation are listed in your back office. You will qualify for GDI IDN investor status and also be able to receive commissions on all IDN investments made by your downline only so long as you keep your Premium status active, unless you also qualify by satisfying the requirements of the other two options listed on this page.

Pay a Lifetime Preferred Affiliate Fee (PAF)

You can qualify immediately by paying a one time $500 fee which will qualify you for life, regardless of the status of the other two options listed on this page. This $500 fee is commissionable, paying out the standard 50% over 5 levels upline (10% per level), which means that anytime someone in your downline pays this fee to qualify, you will receive a $50 commission, provided you are qualified via any of the options detailed on this page.

Don’t forget to visit to start searching for your Internationalized Domain Names today!

Three Traditional Marketing Tips to Use for Network Marketing

Use Social Bookmarking Sites

As you may have noticed, beneath each post on this blog there area a few counters and logos for sites. The Affiliate Blog uses the Share This tool to easily let any of our readers share our blog posts easily on Facebook, Twitter, through email or through social bookmarking sites. If you aren’t familiar with social bookmarking sites, they are a lot like their name implies. Social bookmarking sites allow you to create an account and profile so that you can favorite or bookmark any links you want, these favorite links then become part of the profile you have created with these sites, and people can browse your profile for links. Your favorite links are also shared in a feed for anyone one to stumble upon. You can use social bookmarking sites to bookmark your own important blog posts and encourage your visitors to do so too. This is great for SEO and just sharing your site in every way possible.

Create Content Ahead of Time

As we’ve shared in past posts, a great way to increase SEO and your visitor base is to ensure you always have fresh content. It’s easy to get overwhelmed when you visit your website and realize you need to update it and write something right NOW. But instead of getting in moments of panic, create content ahead of time and create a schedule. If you have WordPress you can even schedule your posts to be published on specific dates in the future. You site is going to look more viable when your content is new and relevant to your readers.

Explain Things Simply

The GDI opportunity may be simple to you, but remember that people visiting your site might not quite understand it yet and need a little guidance. This is where it is ok to be very simple and straight forward in your writing. Explain the GDI opportunity to your site visitors and why it is important to them. Be clear and concise to help answer some of their first questions. Bullet points, images and personal success stories can help to make your point as well. The better you explain the opportunity and benefits, the better chances you have to succeed with GDI.

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