Marketing Tools

The 7 Minute Movie

Often we get asked what marketing tools, if any, GDI provides to affiliates. People can sometimes get frustrated and say that GDI doesn’t offer any marketing tools, forgetting that they themselves probably learned about GDI and signed up as a result of our most powerful and successful marketing tool to day: the 7 minute movie. The movie is just one of our marketing tools, but is the easiest to use and most successful by far. The 7 minute movie answers the questions that many considering GDI have a presents it in a simple, easy to follow way. If you’ve never seen the movie, check it out here and share.

Your Upline

The second most powerful marketing tool GDI has to offer is your people. Income in network marketing comes from your network which is made up of people. Ask those people in your upline what tools they use to be successful, ask yourself what drew you to GDI and try to replicate that power.

The Trial

What better way to market an opportunity like GDI than letting people try it out? This is how the 7 day trial works. If people still aren’t convinced after talking with you, seeing your site and watching the movie, invite them to try out GDI for free to see all that GDI has to offer.

The Inviter

The GDI Inviter that all members have access to is also a great hands off marketing tool. If you’re a basic member, simply input the email addresses of people you would like to check out your page and learn more and GDI does the rest of the work for you. Even better if you’re a premium member, the Inviter can grab email addresses right from your personal email account, allow you to decide which people you want to invite and send the emails out for you. It’s hands free, minimal time direct marketing, provided to you by GDI.

Which marketing tools do you use?

Selling the Product

We’ve shared that there are many ways you can benefit from being a GDI member. First off, you can be a member just to use our great products and hosting to brand yourself with your own domain and emails. If you’re a big fan of the products, marketing them for income for yourself is a no brainer. Why not share your love for GDI and make some money in the process. Then, maybe you don’t want to use to products but just want to make Income for Life, well then you can simply market the GDI opportunity. But if you’ve decided you definitely want to actively market GDI, for whatever, check out our post that will help you decide which part of GDI you want to market: The Product of the Opportunity.


GDI offers all of our services: domain address, hosting and email addresses for just $10 per month. This is a great deal in itself, but GDI also offers some great add-ons like SiteBuilder, WordPress, photo galleries and message boards. Combine that with GDI’s offerings to our members like, and our weekly webinars and it is quite a deal with support like you won’t find anywhere else.

Ease of Use

The great services GDI offers are easy to use for people with all levels of website experience. If you’re a novice, try our simple to use, customizable SiteBuilder. People with more experience will love our WordPress add on and those who are pros can easily host their created website with GDI.


GDI is versatile for all users in the services we offer and how people can customize them. When selling the product, use this as a chance to highlight all of the services GDI has to offer and how it can apply to all levels.

The GDI Opportunity: How It Works

As many of our season affiliates know, Global Domains International (GDI) is an amazing opportunity to take control of your career and earning power and create Income for Life. Beyond the income opportunity, GDI offers you the chance to have your own branded website, email addresses, internationalized domain names and many amazing features. Our offerings outside of the income opportunity are reason enough to sign up with GDI, but if you’re new, you may be asking yourself “how does it all work?” We’ve explained it simply below. Feel free to leave any questions you have in the comments.

Signing Up

When you sign up for GDI, you are essentially signing up for two things. You have agreed to sign up with a sponsor, or if you registered without a sponsor, one will be assigned to you. When you sign up with a sponsor, you become part of their team or downline. When you sign up people below you, they become a part of your team or downline. For each person you sign to your downline you are paid out $1 per month per person in your downline. This works the same way for the people above you, it just happens that you are part of their downline.

The second thing you are signing up for is our GDI products, which in the basic membership include a domain registration, hosting and 10 email addresses. All of which you can brand anyway you like and are yours for life. You also have access to GDI’s own SiteBuilder to simply build a great site as long as other add-ons like a message boards, photo gallery, URL forwarding and blogs that can be created using our WordPress plugin.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is how you are able to build you Income for Life. Above we talk about the $1 per level pay out. This is essentially your commission for marketing and selling GDI’s domain services and income opportunity.

Affiliate Income

As GDI affiliate, you will be rewarded with a 10% commission on the revenue generated from each layer, down through a total of 5 generations, with no limit to how many “front line” (Layer 1) affiliates you may have and therefore no limit to your potential income. If you personally introduce just 5 affiliates and each of them do the same, you will have built a network of 3905 affiliates. Whenever one of them makes a sale or spends money themselves on a GDI service, you will receive 10% of every transaction, whether it is monthly or annual, which means long term, residual income for you.

The Products

From the moment you sign up with GDI you have access to some great products and services. These include 10 email addresses, a photo gallery, forum, WordPress plugin, our Inviter and more. To learn more about each product, check out our GDI Products Post.

Selling It

How you sell the GDI opportunity is up to you. What sold you on joining GDI? You can sell people on the products, the income opportunity or both. For some tips on choosing how to market GDI, check out our post on The Product or the Opportunity.

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