Category Archives: Video

Building Your Website for Beginners

Your .ws domain is a great opportunity to showcase your business and yourself by building your own website. Building your website doesn’t have to be hard and we offer two options to help you along. Find out which option works best for you and watch the tutorial video to help you get started.

Try SiteBuilder

If your .ws site is your first ever website, try using our SiteBuilder. The SiteBuilder has some very easy to use templates to get you started. SiteBuilder templates allow you to personalize them in a number of ways allowing you to add photos, contact forms and more. For a basic website or your very first site, SiteBuilder is the perfect choice.

Try WordPress

To be able to make an even more personalized website, try our WordPress offering. WordPress requires just a bit more website knowledge than SiteBuilder, but offers a ton of options. The benefits of our WordPress offering definitely make up for taking your time to learn a little more about creating a website. With WordPress you can use link your site with social media accounts, add plug-ins and widgets and have access to some great customizable themes. We have even more videos than the one below on WordPress. Check our tutorials section in the Members Area for more WordPress how-to’s.

What to Expect on Tuesday!

Our next webinar is on Tuesday February 14th at  1pm PST. If you haven’t registered yet you can do so here: You can also find out what time the webinar will be on in your time zone at that same link!

If you want to know more about duplication, building a clean site and how to use video to build your downline, you need to attend this webinar! We will also be sharing the best “get started” tips from top affiliates. Join us! Register:

Why You Need Video

GDI is a firm believer in the power of video for internet marketing. That’s why our most popular marketing tool is our 7 minute movie. We invite all of our affiliates to use this video on their own sites to encourage sign ups and build their network. But your use if video doesn’t have to stop at the 7 minute movie, as many kinds of videos are powerful marketing tools. We share our top reasons and ideas for videos below.

Show You’re Real

When it comes to building your network we encourage you to do so online and offline. While online may be easier and the way of the future for much of network marketing, it’s easy to lose that personal touch when dealing with people. New signups may feel like they are just dealing with a computer rather than a person. Videos are a great way to get that human touch back. Create a welcome video for all new prospects or even try something like Skype to chat live “face to face” with your new sign up or interested team members.

Offer Education and Support Quickly

Video is a simple way to answer those frequent questions your team may ask and help them learn more on a regular basis. If you don’t feel like writing long blog posts, or answering the same question over and over, take out the web cam and do your own short question and answer to address these issues. Your team will appreciate it and those interested in joining GDI may stumble across it too!

Expand Your Reach

When you create videos you are expanding your reach across another medium. Not only will you post your videos on your website, but they also can be found on YouTube or any video site you use to host them. Users can find your videos and learn more about your opportunity in a simple way. Adding video to your web page is anther great way to grab people and keep them coming back as long as you are updating your videos.