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One Product or Endless Products?

As you know, Global Domains International offers a powerful affiliate and network marketing opportunity. There are many network opportunities out there, but what sets GDI apart? Why should you join? One reason is the endless number of ways you can use our services and benefit from them. Many network marketing opportunities sell a product, but none are as versatile as GDI. With GDI we market a products and an opportunity that can help you create any business or opportunity for yourself. How do we do this? Giving you the power of your own domain and the ability to brand it anyway you see fit.

Building a Domain for Any Business

No matter the reason for joining GDI, everyone has full access to our products and services. The most important of which being your very own domain name. You can brand your domain name however you like. You can use your .ws domain to create a professional website for your existing business or for one you hope to get off the ground. You can use your domain to showcase your own experience in business and use it as a portal to sell yourself like an online resume. Use your domain to share photos with friends and family all over the world, or simply as a contact form for people wanting to know more about GDI and joining your team. These are just a few ways to use your domain. It’s just one part of what you get when you become a member with GDI, but can be used in an unlimited number of ways.

Not Limited by What You Can Market

Unlike some companies where you are limited by certain line of products and how you can market them, GDI allows you to market our products and opportunity in anyway you see fit. If you know someone who needs a domain, that’s what you should be marketing to them. Know someone just starting out a business? Explain to them the importance of branding themselves with their own .ws domain. Have a friend who just wants to make extra income? Then the income opportunity is for them. Take the time to get to know the people you are marketing to and then tailor GDI to them. With no rigid products, GDI is and can be for everyone.

The opportunities with GDI are endless. You’re creating and branding your own domain and it can be anything you want. How do you use GDI?

Common Setbacks and Solutions

A Slow Month

Whether it’s your first month or you’ve been with GDI for years, a slow month is bound to happen every now and then. The most important thing to do when this happens is to not get discouraged. This is a major issue with our new affiliates who start a little slow out of the gate, but don’t worry, it’s common and those who are successful simply work through it. Take a slow month as a sign that you need to switch up your marketing or strategy or simply need to put more hours into you work. One of these will certainly pay off. Remember, when you work with GDI, you are creating your own business. If a real business had a slow month or two would they just show down? No, they would adjust and push forward, as should you. And remember the “investment” to start your own business with GDI is a tiny fraction of what it would be to start a business with out it. So work through the slow months and stick with it.

You’re Not Computer Savvy

GDI is aware that while most marketing for the opportunity occurs online, not all affiliates are at teh same level of skills when it comes to creating a website and marketing online. That’s why GDI has presented the tools here for you to create your own site and market easily, no background knowledge requires. To create your own professional looking site with little knowledge, simply log in to your Members Area and then to SiteBuilder. SiteBuilder will take you through the creation of your site step by step, asking you to input information, chose a layout and a template, helping you to easily create your own site. GDI also offers “out of the box” tools to help you market simply with no need for a marketing or advertising degree. These tools include ready to add banners, buttons and movies as well as our Inviter which will send email invitations to your opportunity for you.

Can’t Get in Touch with Your Upline

One of the keys to a successful network marketing venture is communication and a good team. These are hard to have if you can’t get in touch with your upline. To combat this, we provide you with all of your upline’s contact information. Simply log into you Members Area and click on Upline in the left hand navigation for this information. You can even head over to Live Chat to start and instant conversation with any members of your upline or downline that are available. Finally, remember to be a good, responsive upline yourself!

What setbacks have you worked through with GDI?

How to Add a Sidebar to Your WordPress Site

WordPress is a great tool to create a unique website or blog. It offers some great plugins for the most basic of site needs all the way up to addons and upgrades you may never need. One way to make for a great site for your visitors and those in your network is to make your site easy to navigate. This can be done with clearly labeled links and calls to action without a ton of clutter and confusing layouts. An easy way to accomplish this with WordPress is to add a simple sidebar. As you can see from the image below, this blog uses a sidebar to help our visitors navigate that page and though past posts. Read on for our step by step guide to adding a side bar.

  1. Log in to your WordPress account using the same log in and password as your GDI member account. Once logged in you will be in the Dashboard area, from here, navigate to the Appearance link on the left hand side and click on “widgets” beneath appearance.
  2. Once you are in your widgets area you will see options to your right depending on what kind of theme you are using, but you should have at least one “Side Bar” area shown. These areas are drag and drop, meaning you simply need to chose the options from the bays of widgets in the center of the page and drag them to the sidebar area.
  3. Now it’s time to decide what you would like in your sidebar area. Some good widgets to use in a side bar are categories, recent posts, and archives sorted by months, like the GDI blog has. Add anything you would like to the side bar, but don’t add too much, as cluttering this area would defeat the purpose.
  4. After dragging each widget to the side bar area, you may need to format the widget by adding a title or adjusting some options. Take the time to reload your blog after each change to see how the widgets show, be sure to test all links and widgets to ensure they’re working.
  5. You’re done! Test your sidebar widgets often to ensure they are still working as desired.