Category Archives: Tools

Quick Start Your Business with GDI

As many of us progress in our careers and life, we start to think about creating our own business and someday work for ourselves. GDI is a tool to help you work for yourself and generate Income for Life with our affiliate program, but can also help you with your own business. GDI offers tools to help you get your website up quick, no matter what your business, share your own business, secure domain names you might not be able to afford with a .com all while making income with us. How can you get a quick start on your business and succeed with GDI? Read on.

Get Started Quickly

GDI offers you tools to get you the domain name you want and get your website online almost immediately. This is great if you’ve got a new business idea that you want to bring to the market right away and don’t have the time to waste with endless calls trying to set up a website. GDI can help. Simply sign up with GDI and use one of our great tools. GDI’s SiteBuilder can walk you through the set up of a simple business site and have it ready for the world in minutes. SiteBuilder comes with dozens of templates all of which ensure your company info and contact information are front and center. If you want to take a little bit more time and customize your new business website, we also offer WordPress. There area thousands of WordPress themes ensuring your will find just the right one to showcase your business. WordPress widgets and add ons will give a site that functions just how you need it to. Both of these options can be found in your Members Area:

Use Our Inviter

Now that you’ve got your website up for your great new business idea, how are you going to share it? This is where another GDI tool comes in: the Inviter. The Inviter tool in your Members Area allows you to share your website with all of your contacts with a few clicks of the mouse. Once you import your contacts, GDI will send out an email linking to your new website so that people can visit it and check it out. The Inviter is a marketing tool for your new business that’s already been set up for you. You can find it in the Members Area:

Make Money Two Ways

What is so unique about the tools GDI offers to help you with your business? With GDI you have the opportunity to use our services to promote your personal business while being an affialite with ours. As you sell your personal business with your .ws website and the Inviter, you can also be selling people on the opportunities of GDI. Try adding one of your banners to your site to invite your traffic to learn more about GDI. You can also use a simple contact form on your personal business site to get info from any of your visitors who might be interested in something more. Use GDI to quick start your business and succeed with us. Income two ways.

Video Marketing and Keywords

We’ve talked about the importance of keywords on the blog before as it relates to your websites, marketing and blogging. But one area where keywords are becoming more and more important is video. Video marketing is a powerful tool, so just like your GDI website you should be taking advantage of keywords to direct people to your videos.  YouTube has a great tool for this called the Keyword Suggestion Tool. Read on for how to use it.

What it Does

Once you navigate to the Keyword Suggestion Tool page you will be asked how you would like YouTube to help you find keywords. You can choose to have suggestions given to you based on the topic of your video, the demographic you wish to market your video to or simply your video URL. Once you have selected an option, YouTube will present you will a list of related keywords and the monthly search volume each keyword receives, giving you an idea of how popular these words are.

How to Benefit

The best way to benefit from this tool is to use it to load up your marketing video with keywords you think will drive the most traffic. If you want to attract a certain type of customer, try the demographic option and select everything from age and gender to countries and interests. The topic suggestion tool is great to see what searches are most popular. Adding in popular keyword searches will help to increase the chances that someone ends up seeing your video. Once you have decided on which keyword you would like to use, you can add them to your videos right from the Keyword Suggestion Tool page and even add multiple keywords at once.

So head over the the YouTube Keyword Suggestion Tool and try it out on your videos!

Banners for Any Site

Banners for All Sites

In our most recent post, we talked about all of the tools GDI’s SiteBuilder has to offer. But did you know you can access and use some of these tools even if you are using WordPress or built your own site? You can! GDI offers banners for any and all sites to direct people to your GDI opportunity. Banners are a great way to attract attention and help your visitors navigate and click through your site. GDI offers a variety of banners from fun to professional to meet your needs. These banners are also great if you are using your GDI site for personal reasons, but still want to encourage people to learn more about the GDI opporutnity or join your down line. Simply place a banner on your personal page to get people to your sponsor page.

Add a Banner

To add a banner to your site, log into your Members Area and click on the link that says “Banners” in the left hand navigation. Select the banner or banners you would like to use then simply click “show me the code”, highlight the HTML code, and copy it. Then, while editing your web page, just paste the code in where you want it to appear. All the codes listed with the banners have already been personalized for you.

Check out some of what we have to the right. To see even more and see out animated banners, log into your Members Area.