Category Archives: Motivation

Managing Expecations and Setting Goals for Longevity

Affiliate programs like GDI offer a lot of unique benefits like the ability to work from home, work and any time and work with people all over the world. Affiliate programs, however, do not guarantee you’ll get rich quick, make money without putting in work and that every day will be easy. The problem with this misinformation is that many people believe it or perpetuate it, causing new affiliates to quit when they aren’t a millionaire in the first week. It’s important as a n new affiliate to understand what you’re signing up for and it’s also the responsibility of the established affiliate and upline to be truthful. Here are two ways to attract signups without risking losing them to false claims and promises.

Manage Expectations

GDI has many affiliates who get paid out each month and build income for life. However, this doesn’t happen right away for many people. It’s important to know that GDI offers a great income building opportunity, but not to exaggerate it. Claims that’s people will make a set amount of money per week guaranteed just aren’t true and will cause people to quit when that doesn’t happen. It’s okay to be excited about GDI and market in new ways, buy exaggerating income potential will only backfire and cause you to lose downline members as quickly as you got them/

Set and Reset Goals

Goals are a powerful way to drive new affiliates forward. Setting the right goals keep help to retain downline members. Take the time to reach out to your new downline members to not only share advice, but also to set goals. If you find a goal is too hard or too easy, work to set a new goal for your team and yourself. Affiliates who reach goals are more likely to stay with a team.

Midweek Motivation: Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid of Commitment

There are many misconceptions about affiliate marketing, one being that it is a get rich quick scheme. You surely know that there are no get rich quick schemes that work, and GDI in no way claims to be one of them.

Quite the contrary, we suggest our affiliates be ready to invest time into and commit to growing their business. Dedicating yourself to this opportunity and sticking with it will truly pay off. While it is possible to make great money in those first few weeks, it doesn’t happen right away for everyone. When we ask our most successful affiliates for their advice, it’s always the same “Stick with it.” Our affiliates with big checks form GDI coming in each month simply wouldn’t be where they are if they had quit early on.

GDI does not charge you sign up fees or cancellation fees. You can sign up and quit right away if you truly want to, but you won’t be any better off because of it. You can stay with GDI as long as you’d like, but to be truly successful, you need to put in the time and be ready to commit. Commit to building Income for Life and not quitting because you had a bad week. Commit to signing up others and helping them build their income. Commit to learning all you can and sharing your success with others.

GDI’s affiliate program gives you the freedom to build your own business, so you’re not committing just to GDI, but really to yourself. Stick with it and keep moving forward.

Motivational Monday Quotes

We love sharing motivational quotes on our Twitter account to get our affiliates fired up, so we figured why not share some on the blog. Enjoy your motivational Monday and share any of your favorites in the comments.

  • “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Thoughts are things! And powerful things at that, when mixed with definiteness of purpose, and burning desire, can be translated into riches.”—Napoleon Hill
  • “Great organizations demand a high level of commitment by the people involved.”—Bill Gates
  • “The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.”Vince Lombardi
  • “The task of leadership is not to put greatness into people, but to elicit it, for the greatness is there already.”John Buchan
  • “Successful and unsuccessful people do not vary greatly in their abilities. They vary in their desires to reach their potential.”John Maxwell
  • “I know what I have to do, and I’m going to do whatever it takes. If I do it, I’ll come out a winner, and it doesn’t matter what anyone else does.”—Florence Griffith Joyner