Category Archives: Marketing

GDI’s Built-In Marketing Tools

The Movie Ticket

Often we get asked what marketing tools, if any, GDI provides to affiliates. People can sometimes get frustrated and say that GDI doesn’t offer any marketing tools, forgetting that they themselves probably learned about GDI and signed up as a result of our most powerful and successful marketing tool to day: the 7 minute movie. The movie is just one of our marketing tools, but is the easiest to use and most successful by far. The 7 minute movie answers the questions that many considering GDI have a presents it in a simple, easy to follow way. If you’ve never seen the movie, check it out here and share.

Your Upline

The second most powerful marketing tool GDI has to offer is your people. Income in network marketing comes from your network which is made up of people. Ask those people in your upline what tools they use to be successful, ask yourself what drew you to GDI and try to replicate that power.

The Trial

What better way to market an opportunity like GDI than letting people try it out? This is how the 7 day trial works. If people still aren’t convinced after talking with you, seeing your site and watching the movie, invite them to try out GDI for free to see all that GDI has to offer.

The Inviter

The GDI Inviter that all members have access to is also a great hands off marketing tool. If you’re a basic member, simply input the email addresses of people you would like to check out your page and learn more and GDI does the rest of the work for you. Even better if you’re a premium member, the Inviter can grab email addresses right from your personal email account, allow you to decide which people you want to invite and send the emails out for you. It’s hands free, minimal time direct marketing, provided to you by GDI.

10 Marketing Ideas for 2014

  1. Add images. Images help to get your social media posts shared and spread your
  2. Try hashtags. They’re on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram and more. Use them to connect with others posting about similar interests.
  3. Use the Marketing Kit. We have marketing materials ready to be personalized right in your Members Area. Print and share.
  4. Connect offline. Don’t forget the power of in-person marketing. Attend business meet ups in your area.
  5. Find your network. Identify who you want to be marketing too. This will be your network.
  6. Join or create a team. GDI’s Team Bonus encourages affiliates to support one another. Take part.
  7. Learn everything you can. The more you know, the easier it is to market. You’ll be ready to answer any question that comes your way.
  8. Promote your website. Add your web address to email signatures, business cards, phone contact cards and more.
  9. Brand yourself. Create a unified brand look for your website, social sites and marketing materials.
  10. Position your business. Know what your business can do for others and presents these values front and foremost.

Facebook Marketing Tips for 2014

If you’ve been on Facebook for more than a couple months, you know the most popular social media site is always changing. From layouts to how you interact with friends, Facebook is constantly adjusting some setting. This means that the way to market on Facebook needs to change often too. Here are two features you need to be aware of to make the most of your Facebook marketing efforts.FBhash

Hash tags (#)

Love them or hate them, hashtags aren’t just for Twitter anymore. You can now add a hashtag to your Facebook posts, which will change the phrase or word you hashtag into a clickable link. When someone clicks on the hashtagged word they will see a custom newsfeed with posts from others using the same hashtag (see right). You can do this yourself by simple adding the hastag symbol (#) in front of the word you would like to make to clickable.  This is a great feature to have your posts and Facebook page found by non-friends or connect with others.


You’ve probably noticed that images have gotten larger in your news feed. Facebook gives special attention to images these days and posts without them are easy to miss. Images are great because they capture attention and are very shareable. Friends are much more likely to share a post with an image than just text.  Try to add a relevant image to each link or post that you share on Facebook and watch engagement grow.