Category Archives: Marketing

Take Advantage of the Summer

It’s officially summertime in the US and with it comes vacations, holidays and a more relaxed pace to each day. While others have more time off, or may even be looking for a summer job, it’s time to take advantage of that. Here are a few ways to make summer work in your favor for building your business.


It seems like everyone has more social outings to attend in the summer. These events are a great time to network and connect with new people. Move out of your comfort zone at these events, meet new people and see if the GDI affiliate opportunity of .WS domain might be a good fit for them.

 Summer Break

A handful of lucky people get the summers off from work entirely, including students and teachers. The summer can be a great time for them to start working with GDI and earn extra income. College students are great to reach out as they are always looking to build their income and tend to have established networks of friends in the same situation.

Summer Hours

While most people don’t have the summers off entirely, many companies tend to have shorter hours and a lesser workload during this time. Seek out those people in your network with this extra time and invite them to learn more about GDI. Their shorter work days will allow them the time to really work with GDI and build their business.

Attracting and Converting Blog Visitors

As a GDI affiliate a personal blog can act as a stand alone website or a great supplement to your main site. Your blog should not only be informative and eye catching, but also provide the right information to get someone seriously interested in being an affiliate. With the right content you can convert visitors to your blog into customers. Here are just a few steps to help you achieve this.

Who Are Your Writing For?

Your blog should be written for a specific audience. This will help you plan out content and to establish an audience for your blog. As you’re writing to engage potential team members, keep topics to advice, news and how-tos that are both relevant to GDI and your team and system.

Timely Content

Set Google Alerts for affiliate marketing, network marketing, GDI, and domains. These alerts can email you anytime news is shared anywhere on the internet on these topics. Staying abreast of key news and trends will allow you to create content that is reflective of this and timely. You visitors will see your blog as an outlet for up to date news and trends and keep coming back.

Content with a Long Shelf Life

While some content should be timely, other content needs to be timeless. Write blog posts that can be shared over and over and will not become out of date quickly. These posts can be informational or personal, sharing your story of success. Timeless blog posts means more sharing and a longer shelf life for your content.

Be Honest

If you’re writing your blog to convert people form visitors to team members, be honest about your intentions. Misleading visitors or tricking them into signing up is no way to grow your business. Visitors who are interested in the affiliate opportunity will be able to get information straight away from you blog and those who aren’t can navigate to a new site.

Blogs and Affiliate Marketing

Blogs can be a great tool to share your opportunity, update your team, and help to educate prospects. Anyone can blog, but there are a few best practices to keep in mind for your blog.

*Remember, GDI gives you multiple ways to take advantage of blogging with SiteBuilder blogs, WordPress and hosting.

Post Often

Blogging gives you the chance to update content in a way that’s simple and doesn’t require you changing your whole website. Because of the ease of use, visitors expect blog posts to be updated on the regular and offer new content. Creating a posting schedule and sticking to it will keep visitors engaged and also show new visitors your dedication to your site and opportunity.

Post Your Own Content

Blogs provide a great platform to share videos and images created by others, but your unique content is what will keep visitors coming back. Take advantage of the “stage” your blog provides to share your own experiences and advice for affiliate marketing. Visitors will appreciate the unique content and come back for more.

Switch Up Your Posts

When you start blogging you need to be conscious of what people are and are not willing to read. Many people are put off by long blog posts and big blocks of text, so much so that they may leave your site. To avoid this, make sure your posts are short and to the point. You can also switch up your types of posts. This can mean breaking your posts in to list format, adding bullets or even posting a video blog every so often. Get creative!

Share, Share, Share!

Your blog is only as powerful as the people viewing it, so get it out there! Share your new posts on social networks, email friends and ask others to share. Don’t be afraid to ask visitors to share a post if they like it. The more shares, the more popular your blog and the bigger your network can grow.

Do you blog? What’s your #1 blogging tip?