Category Archives: How To

Why Content is King

If you read this blog regularly, you know we’re always telling you about the importance of content marketingwithidea. Content marketing is a powerful way of marketing that engages the audience rather than feeling like a sales pitch. It’s no mistake that experts say “content is king.” If you still need more reasons to start content marketing read on.

Keep things new

Adding new content like video and blog posts keeps your website fresh. Visitors won’t be returning to the same boring static website, but instead returning to see what new content you’ve added that they might be interested in.

Keep people entertained

You’ve already got people returning to your site looking for new content, now your job is to keep them there. Create content you would be interested in yourself, whether it’s educational or anecdotal. Share content that will keep the audience engaged, not looking to click away in 20 seconds.

Change things up

There are so many ways to share content online. Try video, slide shows, photos, articles and more. Mixing up your content will keep your audience guessing and returning.

Build a relationship

Use you content to talk directly to your visitors. Based on comments they leave and the links they click, you should know what your visitors want, so give it to them. Take time to address common questions in your posts and respond to each comment on your content. People are more willing to do business with someone they already have a relationship with.

Convert visitors

Share some of your content in a way that converts visitors to leads. Do this by making some of your content gated. You can do this by having special reports or long articles that can only be accessed once a visitor submits an email address.  You now have a direct line to that visitor and they’re getting your premium content.  It’s win-win.

Motivational Monday: It Starts with Just One

The Power of One

With a downline system creating income, it can be easy forget the importance of individual members and focus solely on creating a huge team. The problem with looking at affiliate networking like this is that you can lose sight of the process. Don’t lose your motivation. While a huge team is a worthy goal, you still need to build that team one by one. Each time you add a new team member celebrate this landmark and respect your growth. Many of affiliates echo that they didn’t start out adding several new team members per day, week or even month. Instead they built their business person by person. Remember the power of one when you get discouraged and use it is your motivation. All it takes is one person at a time to propel you towards your goal.


Your goals should also respect one by one growth building on each past achievement. One way to achieve this is by setting SMART goals. SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely goals. To achieve all aspects of SMART goals:

  • Select goals that are specific to what you wish to achieve. Rather than set the goal “make more money” set a specific goal of “generate 3 sign ups per week.”
  • Set goals that you can measure easily and compare to past goals.
  • Set goals that you can reach with hard work.
  • Set bigger goals that are still realistic.
  • Set goals that you can do with the time you have in the time frame you have.

Goals and growth in affiliate marketing can be achieved when you build your team one by one.